2012-06-26 15:24
- He signed the messenger to enter.
他示意差使進去。 - He volunteered for the hard and unprofitable job.
他自愿做這苦差使。 - We will take the sweat.
我們愿意做這吃力的苦差使。 - The Prince of Darkness does not condescend to such cheap drudgery
這種下賤的差使,根本用不著勞“黑暗之王”的大駕。 - She cashed in on her knowledge of French and got a job as a courier.
她利用其法語知識,找到了一份信使的差使。 - Between the two ends of the wire, there is a potential difference, making the electrons flow along the wire.
導線兩端之間有電位差,這電位差使電子沿導線流動。 - He even had a job, a sinecure, more highly-paid than his old job had been
他甚至還有一個工作,一個掛名差使,比他原來的工作的待遇要好多了。 - His stable services were merely a sinecure, and consisted simply in a daily care and inspection
他在馬廄里的工作是個輕閑差使,每天只要去照料照料巡視一番。 - But I began to tire of this hard duty, after I had for two or three months constantly kept my watch
n. 差使;差事;使命
- Your errand was to mail the letter.
你的差事是去寄這封信。 - He bustled the maid off on an errand.
他催女傭趕快去辦差事。 - For a moment he forgot his errand.
有一小會兒,他忘掉了自己的使命。 - He strapped the errand boy with a leather belt.
他用皮帶抽打那個使童。 - How many errands did you do in the trip?