2012-06-26 11:11
Chinese god of prosperity
God of Wealth
- For he wanted to prostitute himself to the bitch-goddess, Success also, if only she would have him.
把克利福整個威嚇著了;因為他自己也是想賣身與財神,也想成功的,如果她肯接受他的話。 - You cannot serve God and mammon.
n. 中國人;漢語,中文
adj. 中國的,中國人的;中國話的
- crepe de chine yarn
雙縐紗 - The old prefessor came back to Chine in 1949 when the mainland had just been liberated .
這位老教授是在1949年回到中國的,當時大陸剛解放。 - Chining and embossing operations particularly require heavy pressures in order to force the metal into the design on the face of the tools.
n. 神;上帝;極受崇敬的人;頂層樓座
int. 天啊!
- God will live for all eternity.
上帝將永存。 - The danger past and God forgotten
過河拆橋 - The mills of God grind slowly.
n. 興旺,繁榮,昌盛,成功
- Much effort, much prosperity.
愈努力就愈成功。 - Cheats never prosper
騙人發(fā)不了財 - In prosperity think of adversity