2012-06-26 09:20
pay no attention to
let go unpunished
let off
- To disregard intentionally or allow to pass unnoticed or unmentioned.
忽略有意地忽視或置之不問或不理 - Until lately, you led a life of innocent sloth
直到最近,你過的還都是不問世事的懶散生活。 - Accomplices under duress shall go unpunished.
脅從不問。 - Lack of worldliness or sophistication;naivet?
單純,天真無邪不諳事故,不問世事;天真無邪 - Please don't turn on the TV without asking.
請不要問也不問就開電視機。 - She never questioned him about his troubles.
他的煩心事兒她從來不問。 - If she does not offer second helpings it is bad manners to ask for one.
假如她不問你,而你要求添菜,那是很不禮貌的。 - Ask no questions and be told no lies
不問問題就聽不到假話;小孩有耳無嘴 - How dare he take my bicycle without even asking!
他怎敢不問我一聲就把我的自行車騎走了! - "By simply getting up and working harder, failing to ask themselves if what they do makes sense."
n. 工資,薪金;報償;懲罰
v. 付錢給;償還;給予(注意等);致以(問候等);報償;付款;值得
- You have to pay storage.
你須繳納保管費。 - Unless paying by credit card, please pay in cash.
請付現(xiàn)金,除非使用信用卡。 - wage [ pay ] scale
n. 注意,留心,考慮,關(guān)心,修理
int. 立正! 注意!
- At ease! Attention!
稍息!立正! - Attention, please!
請注意! - attentiveness n.
v. 不顧;漠視
n. 不顧;漠視
- a cynical disregard for others' safety
只顧自己不顧他人安危的可恥行為 - Lack of heed or attention; disregard.
不留心,玩忽不留意,不注意;不在意 - Accessory minerals are disregarded in classifying rocks.