2012-06-26 03:30
- To render thanks
表示感謝 - It evidently pained his vanity to be beholden to the orphan for succor
顯然,向一個孤兒的救濟表示感謝,傷到了他的虛榮心。 - Wilson accepted her good wishes, but with customary agility rejected out of hand her demand for an election.
威爾遜對她的良好祝愿表示感謝,并以他平素的敏捷當(dāng)即反駁了她的大選要求。 - When you were 1 year old, she fed you and bathed you. You thanked her by crying all night long.
你1歲時,她給你喂奶,為你洗澡,而你卻以整夜哭鬧對她表示感謝。 - Across the globe, different nationalities wave, call, confirm, point things out,
在世界各地,不同國籍的人都會做出揮手、招喚的動作,也都會表達肯定、強調(diào)和表示感謝, - To express their thanks for the year's bounty, they reverently ask for continued blessings
為他們一年來所受到的上蒼的恩典表示感謝,虔誠地祈求上帝繼續(xù)賜福。 - words expressive of gratitude
表示感謝的話 - They vote him thanks.
他們決議對他表示感謝。 - The candidate wave his hand to acknowledge the cheer of the crowd.
候選人揮手對大眾的歡呼表示感謝 。 - The candidate wave his hand to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.
adj. 負有義務(wù)的,有所虧欠的
- A lion may come to be beholden to a mouse.
獅子也可能會受惠于小老鼠。 - A lion may come to be beholden to a mouse
強者亦有求助于弱者的時候 - It evidently pained his vanity to be beholden to the orphan for succor
顯然,向一個孤兒的救濟表示感謝,傷到了他的虛榮心。 - I am much beholden to you for your kindness.
承蒙厚愛,不勝銘感。 - I am much beholden to you for your help.