2012-06-25 19:14
insurance premium; premium
- Because premiums on permanent are high, you may be tempted to skimp on the death benefit.
因為終身壽險的保費很高,客戶有可能為了少交保費而降低保額(死亡撫恤金)。 - The combined ratio represents total insurance costs (losses incurred plus expenses) compared to revenue from premiums
綜合比率代表所有保險成本(發(fā)生損失加上費用)占保費收入的比率 - In 1988, the revenue gain is certain to be far below our 10% "equilibrium" figure.
可以確定的是1988年的保費成長一定會低于10%的損益兩平點 - Our ratio of float to premium volume will increase very significantly during the next few years.
n. 保險;保險費;預防措施
- The amount of a claim on an insurer by an insured.
險損賠償額保險人從承保人獲得的賠償數量。 - An insurance company will insure your house against fire.
保險公司愿為你的房屋?;痣U。 - I have insured my car with a Japanese insurance company
我已向一家日本保險公司投了我的汽車保險。 - An insurance certificate has the same effect as an insurance policy.
保險憑證與保險單具有同樣的效力。 - Insurance beneficial right is the claim to insurance compensation of beneficiary.
n. 獎金;額外補貼,津貼;優(yōu)惠
adj. 優(yōu)質的,高價的
- Such hours attract a pay premium.
這種工時需償付加班津貼。 - She's a premium student.
她是優(yōu)等生。 - You pay either an annual premium of £360 or twelve monthly premium of £32.
你或者付年保險金360英鎊,或者22個月中每月付32英鎊。 - The new premium system is welcomed by the workers.
新的獎金制度很受工人歡迎。 - You must upgrade to Premium to burn this file.