Andrea Anders is returning to ABC. The actress is headed to "Modern Family" in a recurring role in the Emmy winning comedy's sixth season, Entertainment Weekly reports.
女演員Andrea Anders重回ABC電視臺懷抱。《娛樂周刊》報道,這位女演員將會參演ABC電視臺艾美獎五連冠美劇《摩登家庭》的第六季。

Anders will reportedly play Kim, the wife of the horrible family that moves in next door to the Dunphys. As was previously reported, Steve Zahn will be playing the nightmare patriarch of the new family, Ronnie.
Anders將會在劇中扮演一個名叫Kim的角色,是Dunphys家里的妻子。而之前報道說,Steve Zahn將會扮演這個新家庭里的老公Ronnie。

The actress has previously worked on several ABC comedies, including "Better Off Ted" and "Mr. Sunshine."
這位女演員之前參演過ABC電視臺的多部喜劇,如《Better Off Ted》和《陽光先生》。

"Modern Family" returns on Sept.24 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.