2012-06-20 16:48
- Do baggy clothes irk your parents?
穿松垮垮的衣服會不會叫你父母討厭? - Break down
垮,衷竭;損壞,故障,倒塌 - She seemed to have become completely spiritless
她好像精神上完全垮掉了一樣。 - He started to leave the room, tripping over a loose seam in the slatternly carpet
他打算離升屋子,卻在松垮垮的地毯一條綻開的縫上絆了一下。 - Go bust
破產(chǎn),倒閉,垮 - A chain is no stronger than its weakest link
"一環(huán)薄弱,全局必垮。" - Her health finally gave way.
她的身體最終垮掉了。 - He cracked under strain of work.
緊張的工作使他的身體垮掉了。 - His health collapsed because of overwork.
他的身體因工作過度而垮掉了。 - If law and order break down, anarchy will result.
v. 倒坍;崩潰;倒下;暴跌
n. 崩潰;暴跌
- Since 1980 when the first congestion collapse is reported TCP, conge stion control scheme has been improving. By adding the fast retransmit and fast recovery the improved TCP congestion control scheme can avoid congestion collap se effectively.
自從20世紀80年代報道了第一次擁塞崩潰以來,TCP擁塞控制策略在不斷地進行 完善和改進,通過快速重傳和快速恢復等機制使它能很好地對網(wǎng)絡擁塞做出及時的響應? - To cause to fall or collapse.
使倒下,使崩潰 - The price of copper collapsed.
- 相關(guān)熱點:
- 中英文在線翻譯
- 大學英語四級考試流程