美劇天天秀: Gossip Girl S02E23(4)
【L】Poppy also told me that she's going to Miami tomorrow night.
【P】 Yeah, I have a cousin down there and I just thought if I have to feel like a fool, I might as well do it with a tan.
【S】Oh, uh, you might want to check. I think you have a little...
【P】 Oh, oh. Excuse me. Yes.
【S】 What are you doing having tea and smiling at her? We should lock the doors and call the police.
【L】 We already discussed it. The adult thing to do is to let it and her disappear.
【S】 She's not disappearing. She's going to Miami, where she's gonna do the exact same thing to new people.
【L】 Well, we can only hope that those people will be smarter than we were.?