碧昂斯將分手 與Jay Z婚姻亮紅燈
2014-08-04 17:47
Sometimes the Internet can be a place of pure joy, filled with cuddly kittens and laughing babies. Other times, it's a place where Beyonce and Jay Z breakup rumors fester.
互聯(lián)網(wǎng)有時有著純粹的快樂,到處都是可愛的貓咪和笑哈哈的小朋友。但其他時候,像碧昂斯與Jay Z分手這樣的流言卻在這里發(fā)酵。
On Saturday, July 19, the New York Post's Page Six published a report that Beyonce and Jay Z may be on the verge of a split. The couple, who has allegedly been seeing marriage counselors, could reportedly call it quits after wrapping their On The Run tour.
7月19日周六,《紐約郵報》“第六頁”專欄(八卦版)爆料碧昂斯與Jay Z的婚姻或許走到了盡頭。在On The Run巡唱結(jié)束后,兩人可能會結(jié)束這段婚姻。此前,已有人稱看見夫婦二人去接受婚姻咨詢。
“They are trying to figure out a way to split without divorcing ... This is a huge concert tour and they’ve already gotten most of the money from the promoters up front,” a supposed source told Page Six. Adding: “For just a split moment, things got real for them and she was even talking about adding to the family. But, after a while, Jay was out doing Jay and Bey was out doing Bey. They made the classic mistake of thinking a child would change everything and help to rekindle the initial fire, and it didn’t.”
Representatives for both stars were not immediately available for comment, but it doesn't take a publicist to see that these latest rumors are probably bogus.
Last year, E! News reported Beyonce was pregnant with her second child. Thepregnancy rumor resurfaced in OK! Magazine in April. After Beyonce apparently removed her IV engagement tattoo, Life & Style magazine claimed Bey and Jay were heading for a "$1 billion divorce" on a May cover. In June, the gossip mill went into overdrive with cheating rumors after Beyonce changed the lyrics to "Resentment."
去年,E! News爆料碧昂斯懷上了第二胎。而四月份的時候,這個懷孕的流言又重新登上了OK!雜志的版面。在碧昂斯洗去自己的IV訂婚紋身后,Life & Style雜志在五月的封面上打出了碧昂斯與Jay Z將“離婚爭10億家產(chǎn)”的頭條。六月,謠言更是添油加醋,碧昂斯修改了歌曲《Resentment(怨恨)》的歌詞后,瘋傳Jay Z出軌。
Déjà vu much?
Photos of the Carters tell a different story. On Monday, July 22, Beyonce shared an adorable snapshot of her and Jay with Blue Ivy on Instagram. The couple also looked nothing but happy in a backstage pic from their Houston show posted to .
不過從他們一家的照片來看,事情卻并非如此。7月22日周一,碧昂斯在Instagram上分享了一張自己和老公以及女兒Blue Ivy的有愛照片。上一張他們在休斯頓演出的后臺照里,這對夫婦看上去也很恩愛。
Hov and B forever.
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