2014-07-16 10:00
Emma Watson
Emma Watson
Emma Watson was a tiny little eleven year old when the first Harry Potter film was released. She’s only 24 now, but that’s plenty old enough to bear children in the quasi-biblical world of Darren Aronofsky’s Noah.Watson’s remarkable maturity as an actress shone through, but that didn’t stop us from doing a double take at the sight of Hermione cradling and cooing at a pair of infants.
《哈利·波特》第一部上映時,艾瑪·沃特森還是個十一歲的小姑娘。她現(xiàn)在只有二十四歲,卻在達倫·阿倫諾夫斯基(Darren Aronofsky)執(zhí)導(dǎo)的影片《諾亞方舟:創(chuàng)世之旅 》(Noah)中飾演了一個母親。在這個導(dǎo)演創(chuàng)造的圣經(jīng)世界里,她擺脫了兒童形象。沃特森舉手投足間盡展女人的魅力,在劇中的表現(xiàn)出眾,但是我們看著她在劇中的表演,仍會一下子回想起她扮演赫敏(Hermione)時的孩子氣。
Mark Wahlberg
Mark Wahlberg
Transformers: The Age of Extinction won’t be the first time Wahlberg has played an on-screen dad, but it is the first time his role as a father has been so significant to the plot. (You can quibble about whether Wahlberg was a child actor or you can focus on the beautiful angle of that hat. Your choice.) The story of this fourth Transformers film centers on Wahlberg’s efforts to save his teenage daughter. That’s right, Marky Mark is playing a Bruce Willis or Liam Neeson-type dadcore role. Imagine that.
沃爾伯格已多次在熒屏上飾演父親,但在電影《變形金剛4:絕跡重生》 (Transformers: Age of Extinction)中,他扮演的這位父親對情節(jié)發(fā)展至關(guān)重要。(你大可以吹毛求疵,說沃爾伯格只是個童星,你也可以只關(guān)注他英俊的外表。)《變形金剛4》主要講述了沃爾伯格飾演的父親努力營救兒女的故事。想想看,馬克·沃爾伯格在這部電影里化身布魯斯·威利斯( Bruce Willis)和利亞姆·尼森(Liam Neeson),塑造了鐵血奶爸的形象。
Michelle Williams
Michelle Williams
To a certain generation of TV watchers, Michelle Williams will always be the girl next door. Though a slew of gritty indies and strikingly mature performances has put some distance between Williams and both Dawson and his creek, she’ll never kill Jen Lindley for good. But the biggest dent Williams put in her 90s teen queen persona was the bedraggled working mom she played in Blue Valentine. Sure, by the end ofDawson’s Creek Jen Lindley was a mom herself (and a saint, apparently), but not like this.
對于那些看著電視劇長大的那一輩人來說,在他們心目中,米歇爾·威廉姆斯永遠是鄰家少女的形象。盡管此后的許多年里,威廉姆斯逐漸長大,變得獨立自主并多次在電影展現(xiàn)了成熟的一面,一改她在《戀愛時代》(Dawson's Creek)中的青澀形象,但她永遠不會忘記詹·德利( Jen Lindley )這一角色所代表的過去。威廉姆斯本是90后青少年心目中的演藝女王,但她在《藍色情人節(jié)》(Blue Valentine)中飾演了一名邋里邋遢的母親,這無疑在她的小影迷心中留下了一道最大的陰影?!稇賽蹠r代》中小詹在劇尾終于長大,做了母親(很明顯還是個圣徒),但現(xiàn)實生活中的威廉姆斯卻沒有走這條路。
Keri Russell
Keri Russell
It’s almost easier to buy Felicity as a secret Russian spy than it is to buy her as the mother of two older children in The Americans. Our Ms. Porter might have always been a relatively mature college student, but she’s so iconically on the brink of adulthood that it’s tough to accept her on the other side. I suppose we can use Russell’s comedically brilliant pregnancy in the film Waitress to ease the transition. That and some pie might just get us through.
回想起小時候,我像俄國間諜一樣偷偷摸摸得去買《費麗絲蒂》(Felicity)的錄影帶,現(xiàn)在拉塞爾已是兩個孩子的母親,要買她主演的《美國諜夢》(The Americans)的票卻是難上加難。那我們心目中,費麗絲蒂小姐還是那個成熟的女大學(xué)生,但拉塞爾本人卻早已成年,我們這些影迷實在很難接受這樣的費麗絲蒂小姐。這時候我們可以看看拉塞爾主演的電影《女招待》(Waitress),劇中,她因意外懷孕而引導(dǎo)一連串精彩的故事,其精彩的表演和電影中穿插的美味餡餅足以給我們以慰藉。
Seth Rogen
Seth Rogen
As I mentioned in the intro, Rogen’s transition from slacker icon to slacker dad is something of a shock. But once you see Neighbors and how well the film treats Rogen (and Byrne’s) rude awakening to a whole new phase in their lives, it all makes perfect sense.
Lizzy Caplan
Lizzy Caplan
I don't know about you, but I’ve had a big lesbian crush on Lizzy Caplan ever since Mean Girls (well, actually, ever since Freaks and Geeks). The crush only intensified with her snarky/sexy performances inParty Down and Bachelorette. So it was a bit of a shock to see her play mother in Showtime’s Masters of Sex. Don’t worry, fans of Caplan’s patented sarcastic sex appeal still have plenty to love in Virginia Johnson. Like most mothers, she can have it all.
卡潘,我在現(xiàn)實生活中和你毫無交集,但是看完《賤女孩》( Mean Girls )后,我深深愛上了你。(好吧,我承認,看完《怪胎與書呆》( Freaks and Geeks)我就迷上你了)。此后,卡潘又出演了《派對之后》(Party Down Season)和《未婚女子》(Bachelorette),她在片中魅力四射,我更喜歡她了。因此,當(dāng)我得知卡潘居然參演了美國電視網(wǎng)(showtime)出品了《性愛大師》( Masters of Sex),并扮演了一個母親,我實在難掩震驚。但是我相信,那些曾為卡潘特有的酷酷的魅力折服的粉絲,也一定會喜歡上弗吉尼亞·約翰遜(Virginia Johnson)這個角色的。像別的母親一樣,她擁有一切。
Jeremy Sisto
Jeremy Sisto
Why yes, this is the second week in a row I’ve put Jeremy Sisto on a list. How nice of you to notice. But I can’t be alone in trying to process Elton from Clueless as a sitcom dad. Watch Suburgatory, it’s great.
什么?又是西斯托?很好,你已經(jīng)注意到我連著寫了兩個星期的杰瑞米·西斯托。但是我總不能像《無影無蹤 》(Clueless)里的父親一樣,殘忍得把艾頓(Elton)從這篇文章中剔除吧。去看看郊區(qū)故事(Suburgatory)吧,真的很好看。
Ben Savage and Danielle Fishel
Ben Savage and Danielle Fishel
It’s not the idea of Corey and Topanga going from child sweethearts on Boy Meets World to playing parents on Disney’s new spin-off Girl Meets World. These two were always going to be parents. They were practically elderly from the minute we met them. But the reality of those of us who grew up with them bearing witness to their on-screen parenting is...well it’s like staring down the barrel of time is what it is. Pretty heavy stuff for Disney.
電影《淘氣小子看世界 》(Boy Meets World)里,科瑞(Corey)和特潘加(Topanga)之間青澀的戀情給我們留下了深刻的印象,但我們沒想到,若干年后,兩人又再度合作,在迪士尼電影《少女闖世界》(Girl Meets World)中出演了一對夫妻。這對熒幕情侶總是在演夫妻。我們在熒幕上第一次看到這兩人時,他們還是少年,歲月變遷,他們確實老了許多,我們相伴著長大,一路見證著他們的轉(zhuǎn)變,如今他們已開始在熒屏上扮演父母,這種感覺就像是.......眼看著時間從面前溜走。迪士尼的這一鏡頭實在很沉重。
Jason Bateman
Jason Bateman
If you don’t remember Bateman in Silver Spoons or Valerie/The Hogan Family, then you can kindly get off my lawn. But know this, for Bateman to parlay his smarmy child actor shtick into one of TV’s most popular dad roles without skipping a beat or a smirk is something of a miracle. This has already been an impressive career, and he’s really only getting started.
如果你已經(jīng)不記得《銀勺》(Silver Spoons )或是《瓦萊麗-霍家》(Valerie/The Hogan Family)的那個小貝特曼,那你可以跳過這段了。但是,貝特曼星路順暢,無波無瀾,這一點實在讓人驚奇,轉(zhuǎn)眼間,昔日那個機靈的小童星已經(jīng)長大了,他塑造的父親形象廣受好評,深入人心。而這只是開始。