A Swedish man has officially changed his name to be a tongue-twisting 63 words long.

The man formerly known as Alexander Ek, from Haninge near Stockholm, first gave up his given title when he was just 18-years-old.

Now aged 25, and six more alterations later, he's hoping to be verified as having the world's longest moniker.

He's now formally known as this name:

Kim-Jong Sexy Glorious Beast Divine Dick Father Lovely Iron Man Even Unique Poh Un Winn Charlie Ghora Khaos Mehan Hansa Kimmy Humbero Uno Master Over Dance Shake Bouti Bepop Rocksteady Shredder Kung Ulf Road House Gilgamesh Flap Guy Theo Arse Hole Im Yoda Funky Boy Slam Duck Chuck Jorma Jukka Pekka Ryan Super Air Ooy Rusell Salvador Alfons Molgan Akta Papa Long Nameh Ek.

This name has everything! Dictators! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle villains! A Jedi! A member of Ace of Base! It’s like one of Stefon’s clubs.
這個名字真是要啥啥都有!獨裁者名字(Kim-Jong)、忍者神龜(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle)、絕地武士(Jedi)、王牌合唱團成員(Ek)!簡直就像一個表演俱樂部!

But he's said to prefer being called Papah Long Nameh for short.

"My parents were a little confused the first time a letter came addressed to Usama-Bin Ek instead of Alexander," he told Nyheter24.

"I don't always get my mail and sometimes the electricity bill is late, but that's part of the charm," he added.

Swedes are allowed to change their name once free of charge, then pay $149 each time after, according to The Local.
據(jù)The Local網(wǎng)站報道,瑞典允許市民免費修改一次姓名,此后如需再次修改則要每次收取149美元的費用。
