備考口語掃盲 你不得不知的備考口語表達
小編導讀:6月考試季襲來,高考、四六級、期末考統(tǒng)統(tǒng)來襲~連教研君都感到壓力山大(under a lot of pressure),忙碌了一個學期的你,甚至是為高考寒窗苦讀幾年的你,準備好了嗎?現(xiàn)在就和滬江教研團隊一同來學形形色色的和考試相關的英語吧。
為了順利通過考試(pass the exam / test),不考砸(mess up / blow / bomb the test),避免考試不及格(fail the exam),免于參加補考(take a make-up examination),同學們使出渾身解數(shù),各出奇招。當然,準備小抄作弊(cheat on the exam)之類的想法還是趁早打消吧。俗話說的好,“Honesty is the best policy.”誠信考試實乃上上策,認真復習是王道呀。
A: Hey! I haven't seen you in weeks. Where have you been?
B: Hi! I've got my hands full lately. The final exam is drawing near. I've been in the library preparing for it.
A: How's it going?
B: Not so good. In fact, I was so worried about my geography that I burned the midnight oil to cram for it last night.
A: You stayed up all night? That's why you look so tired.
B: Yeah. How I wish it's an open-book test!
A: You know what? Come to my house tonight and I will help you review it. I took down everything the professor said in class.
B: Many thanks. It's really nice of you.
A: It's my pleasure.
小A很久沒見小B,原來小B最近忙于準備期末考試(final exam),天天在圖書館發(fā)奮復習。在英語中,“忙”除了可以用busy,occupied來表示,還可以像小B那樣說“get one's hands full”,或者說“up to one's neck”,忙得不可開交。小B擔心自己考試過不了,在考前挑燈夜讀“burn the midnight oil”,臨時抱佛腳“cram for …”。“熬夜、開夜車”就是“burn the midnight oil”,或者用“stay up”,“pull an all-nighter”來表達。“cram”做動詞用時表示“填入、塞滿”,用“cram for the exam”來表示臨時抱佛腳、填鴨式記憶是不是很形象呢?小B同學天真地幻想這是開卷考試“open-book test”,但這一概率幾乎為零,還是跟著認真做筆記的小A同學好好復習(review)吧。
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