[Scene: Outside Phoebe's dad's house. The cab pulls up停下.]

PHOEBE: Ooh, this is it, 74. [screeches to a halt, Joey and Chandler are thrown into the plexiglass wall in the cab]
screech v.尖叫,痛苦(憤怒)地尖叫/screech to a halt隨著一聲輪胎的尖叫而停下/plexiglass n.樹脂玻璃,塑膠玻璃/Screeches to a halt, Joey and Chandler are thrown into the plexiglass wall in the cab: Screech make a high-pitched(高音調(diào)), screeching noise; plexiglass(trademark) is a light transparent weather resistant thermoplastic(n.熱塑料)

CHANDLER: Oh, so that's what this is for長途跋涉就是為了來到這里.

PHOEBE: Wow, this is it, I'm gonna meet my dad. This is like the biggest thing ever, huh.


JOEY: Sure is.

PHOEBE: OK, here I go. I'm goin' in.

CHANDLER: Alright.

JOEY: Good luck Phoebs.

PHOEBE: OK, here I go. . . here I go. . . I'm goin'. [she just sits in the cab]

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. They are having their party. All the guests are stripped down because of the heat.]
stip down脫去, 拆開/be stripped down脫去外衣的

RACHEL: [answers door] Hi, welcome to our tropical(adj.熱帶的) Christmas party. You can put your coats and sweaters and pants and shirts in the bedroom.

ROSS: [sitting at table talking to a girl] It's hard to tell because I'm sweating出汗, but I use exactly what the gel bottle says(我完全按照發(fā)膠瓶上的說明書上的用量), an amount(n.數(shù)量) about the size of a pea(一粒豌豆). How, how can that be too much?

MONICA: [carrying an ice cube tray] Ice, ice, ice squares(v.適合) anyone? Take a napkin. Alright.
cube n.立方體/ice cube冰塊/napkin(=tissue) n.餐巾, 餐巾紙
square: be compatible with, match

ROSS: Monica, Monica, your guest are turning into jerky(n.牛肉干to人干), OK.

Monica, your guest are turning into jerky, ok: jerky means meat cut in strips(n.條,帶) and dried in the sun (肉干)

MONICA: Really? I'm perfectly comfortable. [one of the guest opens the refrigerator] Hey, hey, hey, get in line請排隊(duì) buddy, I was next. [she opens the refrigerator and leans into it]

RACHEL: [answering the door] Mr. Treeger.

MR. TREEGER: Uhh, you said there was a party.

RACHEL: Oh, yeah, well hey, welcome to our sauna.
sauna n.桑拿浴, 蒸汽浴/a dry heat bath

MR. TREEGER: Ahh, is it hot? My body always stays cool, probably 'cause I have so much skin. Hey, cheese!

[Ross is speaking to Monica and Rachel about tipping the super.]

ROSS: Alright, alright, here's the chance. Monica give him cash, Rachel give him your earrings. Something, now, anything.

MONICA: No, I will not cave屈服,妥協(xié)(=compromise).

RACHEL: Yeah, I'm with Mon.

ROSS: Alright, alright, you know how you say I never seize the day抓住機(jī)會? Well, alright, even though he's your super, I'm seizing. [approaches Mr. Treeger] Mr. Treeger, here is 50 bucks, merry Christmas.

[Gives him the cash.]

MR. TREEGER: Oh wow, I didn't get you anything我什么也沒帶給你. Here's five back.

ROSS: No no, no, that, that's your Christmas tip圣誕紅包, alright. Oh, hey, do you think there's a chance you could fix that radiator now?

MR. TREEGER: No can do沒辦法, like I told the girl, I can't get a new knob until Tuesday.


ROSS: Yeah.

MONICA: [to Ross] Looks like he's playin' baseball.

ROSS: You mean hardball?
play baseball n.硬式棒球
play hardball不擇手段,態(tài)度強(qiáng)硬,不妥協(xié)

MONICA: Whatever.

RACHEL: What'cha gonna' do?

ROSS: Excuse me, I'm seizing. Mr. Treeger, here's another 50, happy Hanukkah. Will uh, will this help with the knob getting?
Hanukkah n.(=Chanukah)光明節(jié)(猶太紀(jì)念節(jié)日之一)

MR. TREEGER: No, the place is not open 'till Tuesday. Am I not saying it right我沒說清楚嗎.

MONICA: So, wait, you really did like my cookies?

MR. TREEGER: Oh, yeah, they were so personal, really showed you cared.

RACHEL: Nice seizing. . . gel boy機(jī)會抓得真好,發(fā)膠兄.

MR. TREEGER: [to Rachel who is standing under mistletoe] So, uh, is this, uh, mistletoe(n.槲寄生)?

RACHEL: Huh-huh, no act--no, uhh, that, that is basil(n.<植>羅勒, 羅勒屬植物,九層塔).

MR. TREEGER: Ahh, if it was mistletoe, I was gonna kiss ya.

So, uh, is this, uh, mistletoe? No, uhh, that, that’s basil.
mistletoe is a Eurasian(adj.歐亞的) parasitic(adj.寄生的) shrub(n.灌木)having leathery(adj.似皮革的) evergreen leaves and waxy(adj.蒼白的) white berries(n.漿果), often used as a Christmas decoration. ( 傳說冬青 holly和槲寄生mistletoe可以辟邪 所以圣誕節(jié) 許多家庭在室內(nèi)門框或天花板掛一束槲寄生 嘿 這可樂壞了那些“愛在心里口難開”的男子 西方習(xí)俗如果一個(gè)女青年 偶爾經(jīng)過或站在槲寄生下面 旁邊的男青年就可以走上前親吻她(kiss? under? the mistletoe);
Basil is an Old World aromatic(adj.芬香的) annual herb(n.草本植物,herbal adj.草藥的) (Ocimum basilicum) in the mint family,cultivated for its leaves.Also called sweet basil

RACHEL: Huh-hoo, yeah, no, it's still basil.

[Scene: Outside Phoebe's dad's house. Phoebe is running back to the cab.]


JOEY: How far'd ya get?

PHOEBE: Mailbox.
mailbox n.<美>郵筒, 郵箱

CHANDLER: Alright, we're gettin' closer.

PHOEBE: Uh-huh.

JOEY: Phoebs, what's goin' on?

PHOEBE: No, it's just like, ya know, it's a whole mess of stuff事情的復(fù)雜性, ya know. It's like, yesterday, ya know, my dad was this, like, famous Burma tree surgeon guy and, ya know, now he's a, a pharmacist guy and. . .

JOEY: Well, maybe he's, maybe he's this really cool pharmacist guy.

PHOEBE: Yeah, maybe, yeah. You know, and, and I'll knock on the door and, and he'll hug me and I'll have a dad. Ya know and I'll, I'll go to his pharmacy(n.藥房) and everyone will be really nice to me 'cause, you know, I'm Franks daughter.

CHANDLER: Well, so why not go knock?

PHOEBE: Well, 'cause, I mean, what if如果……怎么辦, what if he's not this great dad guy? I mean, what if, what if he's just still the dirtbag(=creep混球) who ran out on my mom and us? You know what? I've already lost a fake dad this week and I don't think I'm ready to lose a real one.

I mean what if he’s just still the dirtbag who ran out on my mom and us: a dirty, unkempt(adj.蓬亂的, 粗野的, 不整潔的), or contemptible(adj.可鄙視的,卑鄙的) person

JOEY: Phoebs, that's OK. You took a big step today.


CHANDLER: Yeah, and someday when you're ready, you'll make it past the hedges(=barrier n.樹籬,障礙).

Yeah, and someday when you’re ready, you’ll make it past the hedges: a fence or boundary formed by a dense row of shrubs or low trees

JOEY: Yeah, and when you do, he'll be lucky to have you.

PHOEBE: You guys. I'm sorry about your shopping.

CHANDLER: Oh, that's OK, we'll figure something out我們會另想辦法的.

JOEY: Uh, listen Phoebs, I know you're not goin' in there but do you think it'd be alright if I went in and used his bathroom? Oh, that's fine, never mind. Cool, snow, kinda like a blank canvas(n.帆布,油畫布).

Cool, snow, kinda like a blank canvas: a piece of cloth backed or framed as a surface for a painting

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Ross, Monica, and Rachel are sitting around after the party. Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe enter.]

CHANDLER: Ho, ho, ho, holy crap is it hot in here這里怎么那么熱!

JOEY: Really, hey, you mind if I turn the heat down?

MONICA: Hey, we could have used that kind of thinkin' earlier我們之前怎么都沒想到呢.

ROSS: Hey, Phoebs, how'd it go(=what’s going on).

PHOEBE: Oh, I couldn't go in.

MONICA: Honey, I'm sorry.

ROSS: Are you OK?

PHOEBE: Yeah, yeah, no it's OK 'cause, I mean, I know he's there, so, that's enough for now.

CHANDLER: Hey, guys, it's after midnight, merry Christmas everyone. [Ross and Phoebe hug, Monica and Rachel hug, Chandler is left standing]

JOEY: Hey, Monica, the knob was broken so I just turned it off from underneath從下面, I hope that's alright.


[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Joey and Chandler are giving out分發(fā) their Christmas presents out of a cardboard box紙板箱 from a case(n.容器) of motor oil(n. 電動機(jī)潤滑油).]

JOEY: Rach, these are for you.

RACHEL: Wiper blades(n. 刮水片). I don't even have a car.

Wiper blades. I don’t even have a car: a mechanical device that cleans the windshield

JOEY: No, but with this new car smell, you'll think you do.

CHANDLER: OK, Phoebs, your turn.

PHOEBE: Ahh, toilet seat covers馬桶座紙墊! Is that what you were doing while I was getting gas加油?

JOEY: Uh-huh.

PHOEBE: You guuuyys.

JOEY: And for Ross, Mr. Sweet-tooth.
sweet tooth n.喜好甜食

ROSS: You got me a cola drink?

CHANDLER: And, a lemon(n.檸檬) lime(n.酸橙).

ROSS: Well this, this is too much, I feel like I should get you another sweater.

CHANDLER: And last but not least.

[Chandler and Joey give Monica a pack of condoms.]

JOEY: They're ribbed for your pleasure.
rib n.肋骨/ribbed adj.有肋骨的, 有棱紋的
They're ribbed for your pleasure:It was actually " ribbed for her pleasure".They were condoms. They were all the things you could pick up from a gas station, actually I thought they were the best present of the lot. Dunno if it's been on anything else but the first time I saw that "Ribbed for her pleasure" and the cheesy smile was on Waynes World.詳解:" ribbed for her pleasure",避孕套品牌。加油站可買到的“最好的”禮物。我第一次看到這個(gè)牌子和送禮人臉上類似的笑容,是在《反斗智多星》里。

[Ross and Monica trade their gifts.]