[Scene: Chandler is standing on a street corner waiting for Phoebe in the cab. Joey walks up走上前.]
JOEY: Phoebe here with the cab yet她開計程車來了嗎?
CHANDLER: Yeah, she, she brought the invisible隱形的,無形的 cab. . . hop in上車吧.
Yeah, she brought the invisible here, hop in: get in the cab
JOEY: Well she better get here soon, the outlet stores close at 7.
outlet store n.代銷店 處理品零售店 (工廠直銷店(outlet store), 有些是有瑕疵的商品 或工廠退貨的店面 有些則是工廠將其銷路較差 或 過期滯銷的商品 以直銷方式減價出售 這些直銷店所經(jīng)營的物品價格大概只有平常貨品之七折 五折甚或更低的價格 也因此在選擇時便應精挑細選 仔細選購仍能值回票價)
CHANDLER: Hey, don't worry. I figure想 it'll be 2 hours to Phoebe's dad's house, they'll meet, they'll chat, they'll swap交換 life stories, we'll still have plenty of time.
[Phoebe drives up in the cab]
JOEY: Hey, here she comes.
JOEY: Hey.
[Phoebe runs over 輾過the curb. Joey gets in the back seat, Chandler in the front]
JOEY: Hey.
PHOEBE: Can you believe this. In, like, two hours I'm gonna have a dad. Eeeshk(Phoebe的語氣詞).
Essshk: eshek, probably meaning to bunch(v.捆成一束) together
JOEY: Yeah, big stuff.
PHOEBE: OK, let's go.
PHOEBE: Alright, here, you have to hold this. [hands Chandler a piece of paper]
CHANDLER: OK. [reads paper] Brake left, gas right剎車在左面,油門在右面?
PHOEBE: Uh-huh, yeah, that's my cheat sheet小抄.
Brake left, gas right? Yeah, that’s my cheat sheet: A small piece of paper upon which one has recorded essential study information, and which one uses to prepare for a test.
CHANDLER: [grabs for seat belt] Where's my seat belt?
PHOEBE: Oh, no no, that side旁邊 doesn't have one, the paramedics had to cut through切斷 it. [Chandler jumps out of the car]
parachute n.降落傘v.跳傘
paramedic n.傘兵軍醫(yī), 護理人員/persons? trained? to? assist? medical? professionals? and? to? give? emergency medical treatment
CHANDLER: [Chandler gets in the back seat] Hey!
JOEY: Hey. [Phoebe takes off開車,起飛, Joey and Chandler are thrown back in the seat]
Phoebe takes off, Joey and Chandler are thrown back in the seat: if you throw back your arms or head, you move them backwards suddenly
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica is preparing for the party with Ross questioning her.]
ROSS: C'mon, just tell me, please, please.
MONICA: For the sixteenth time, no... I do not think you're obsessive強迫的to喜歡鉆牛角尖的.
[Rachel enters from her room]
RACHEL: Oh, gosh, it's hot in here.
MONICA: Rach, get the heat. [Rachel holds up舉著 her hand with wet fingernail手指甲 polish] Ross, could you turn the heat down please?
ROSS: Sure. By the way, there's a difference between being obsessive and. . .
MONICA: Ross, the heat!
ROSS: Fine, OK! Heat, heat, heat, and I'm the obsessive one. [goes to the radiator電暖爐and starts turning the knob] OK, this way is on, so this is. . . [breaks off the knob旋鈕] off.
RACHEL: Did you just break弄壞 the radiator?
ROSS: No, no, I was turnin' the knob and, and. . . here it is.
MONICA: Well put it back.
ROSS: It uhh, it won't go back.
RACHEL: I'll call the super.
MONICA: Here, let me try.
ROSS: Oh, oh that's right, I forgot about your ability to fuse metal.
fuse metal保險絲用合金, 易熔金屬to熔接金屬/fuse v.因保險絲熔斷而中斷工作(fuse the lights);熔化,熔接
MONICA: Hey, it's Funny's cousin堂兄, Not Funny.
Hey,? it’s? Funny’s? cousin,? Not? Funny:? Something? similar? in? quality? or character
RACHEL: [on phone] Hi, Mr. Treeger. Hi, it's Rachel Green from upstairs. Yes, somebody, uh, broke our knob on the radiator and it's really hot in here. Yes, it's, it's hot enough to bake(v.烘焙, 烤, 燒硬) cookies. Well, do you think we could have a new one by 6? Wha t, no, no, Tuesday, we can't wait until Tuesday, we're having a party tonight.
ROSS: OK, tip the man.
MONICA: No, if he doesn't like our cookies, too bad, I am not gonna be blackmailed. Look if worse comes to worse, it gets a little warm, we'll call it a theme party.
too bad糟糕, 可惜
blackmail n.勒索, 勒索所得之款vt.勒索/theme party主題派對/extortion(n.敲詐) or coercion(n.強迫,高壓) by threats especially of public exposure or criminal prosecution(n.起訴,檢舉)
ROSS: Hey, here's a theme: Come on in, live like bacon.
bacon n.咸肉,熏肉/live like bacon活得像熏肉to熱鍋上的螞蟻