世界首例同卵四胞胎姐妹 將開啟校園之旅
2014-05-27 16:05
QUADRUPLET girls who made medical history when they were born from the same embryo are celebrating another milestone in their lives as they start nursery.
Darcy, Caroline, Elisha and Alexis Clark - thought to be the first quads in the world born this way.
Proud parents Justin and Christine Clark had been trying for a baby for nine years before getting success through their first round of IVF.
The youngsters - now 14-months-old - will be attending nursery at Busy Bees in the grounds of the Rotherham Hospital, where they were cared for following their birth at Sheffield's Jessop Hospital on March 25 last year.
Lorry driver Justin, 44, of Rotherham, said: "The girls all really enjoyed the first half day at the nursery and it will be so exciting when they start there full-time.
"They were good as gold, as we knew they would be.
"These girls were ten weeks premature and so any milestone for them is huge for us. We are just so proud."
Helen Smith, nursery manager at Busy Bees, said: "We are happy to be welcoming the gorgeous sisters at the nursery."
At 24 weeks, Mrs Clark was taken into hospital with breathlessness, but doctors managed to keep the pregnancy under control until week 30, when the girls were born by Caesarean section.
Justin said: "It was a very emotional time for us as we'd been trying for nine years to have one child and had no luck." Christine, 37, said previously: "When we found out we were having four babies, I just couldn't believe it. I was speechless and to be honest, I didn't believe it until I saw them for myself."