Season of Renewal

Vivacious Venus enters unconventional Aquarius and your 2nd House of Resources on December 7, putting you in a spending mood just in time for the holidays. Your taste could be a little unusual this year, which is fine for you, but it also might tempt you to buy some strange gifts. The airy Gemini Full Moon on December 12 is especially intense with militant Mars in opposition while strict Saturn and rebellious Uranus make challenging squares. This jittery event occurs in your 6th House of Employment, which could produce a crisis on the job. The additional pressure of unpleasant colleagues or an unexpected shift of duties could trigger your desire to seek greener pastures. Yet even if another opportunity opens up, conditions are so volatile now that it’s better to carefully consider all the angles than to suddenly make a change.

Keep in Mind this Month: Instead of just working hard out of habit, stop and consolidate your resources for a climb to heights you’ve never reached before.
