Your month begins joyfully with messenger Mercury, energetic Mars, and the bright Sun -- all in uplifting Sagittarius -- infusing you with an early dose of holiday spirit. Throughout the month, however, these planets migrate into the more cautious realms of Capricorn, where they each conjoin Pluto, forcing you into an alchemical process of transmutation. This won’t be easy terrain. The changes you are undertaking are not small, incremental steps. They demand total engagement and can result in a complete metamorphosis. Mercury, Mars, and the Sun reactivate the tension of last month’s Saturn-Uranus opposition when they each square this opposition on December 5–6, December 10–12, and December 15. Your current discomfort with the status quo increases the potential for major change. The Sun’s entry into Capricorn on December 21 marks the Winter Solstice -- the shortest day of the year and a time for contemplation rather than action.
Keep in Mind this Month: Your current transitions are profound, although it will take months before you fully appreciate what’s happened and completely understand your new direction.
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