Holiday Cleanup
Powerful patterns during this month’s Full and New Moons will spice up the season with intensity and potential conflict. The Full Moon in noisy Gemini on December 12 generally kicks up conversations characterized by relatively benign differences of opinion. This one, though, is supercharged by a Grand Square involving five planets. The Sagittarius Sun is joined by aggressive Mars in your 3rd House of Communication, giving force to your ideas. Uncompromising Uranus and restrictive Saturn form tense squares to the Sun, Moon, and Mars that readily provoke arguments. The opposition between freedom-loving Uranus and law-enforcing Saturn intensifies this entire complex. You could experience brilliant breakthroughs of awareness. The challenge is in maintaining enough cool to keep discussions from boiling over. Fortunately, forgiving Neptune forms a creative trine to the Full Moon that helps you find common ground with those whose beliefs appear to be in direct opposition to your own.
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