

It is about American's dress code



tread carefully


Fourth, American women are liberated in just about every sense of the word, and visitors should tread carefully if discussing feminism in any form. Insisting that a woman's place is only in the home will guarantee that you never see the inside of any home in the States. Most American women take pride in the fact that they have a choice between the office and the home or both, and will vehemently deny that the social problems of the nation's children stem from such empty households. Unless you know your hosts can openly discuss the issue without offense, it is best to stick to more neutral topics. Subsequently,issues such as gun control, abortion rights, and racial issues should be avoided. However, Americans, who have grown up with the luxury of free speech, will openly discuss politics.
第四,美國婦女已擺脫社會偏見與限制很注意每個字眼的意義,所以游客不論討論何種形式女權主義都應該謹言慎行。如果一味認為只有家里才是女人呆的地方,你就無法了解美國家庭的內(nèi)部。大多數(shù)美國女人引以為傲的是她們對成為家庭主婦或是辦公室職員或是身兼二職具有選擇權,她們堅決否認這個國家關于兒童的社會問題是源于這樣的無人家庭。除了知道東道主可以毫無反感地公開討論這個問題,你最好談些更加中性的話題。還有,應該避免槍支控制,墮胎權利,種族問題等問題。然而, 從小到大享受言論自由的美國人將會毫無避諱地討論政治。 翻譯by sugarle