【犯罪心理】S03E01(3) Hotch停職,Gideon告別BAU
I've been on the phone with the flagstaff, Arizona, police all morning. Did you actually allow a disturbed college student to meet with a man you believed to be a serial killer?
We didn't know who, but we knew a meeting would take place.
I, ma'am. It was my decision.
And now that student is dead.
She committed suicide, yes.? After killing the unsub.
How could you let this happen?
It was not the outcome we had hoped for.
It wasn't the outcome you had hoped for?
That's your answer to me?
Yes, ma'am.
Give me your badge.
And, agent Hotchner, if it were solely up to me, you would never get these credentials back.
Always a pleasure.
And that was the last domino, the death of that girl. Hotch being suspended over something that was my fault. I said at the beginning of this letter that I knew it would be you to come up here. I'm sorry the explanation couldn't be better. And I am so sorry that it doesn't make more sense. But I've already told you I just don't understand any of it anymore. I'm sorry.