This friendly bear cub raised a furry paw to wave at surprised animal lovers.

The young female grizzly bear made the cute gesture as she braved chilly glacier water to watch her mother catch salmon. Photographer Kevin Dietrich, 33, said he will remember the exciting moment forever.

It was also a nerve-wracking experience for the real estate broker, as the hungry mother bear swam towards him several times.

Mr Dietrich, who was with his brother on a trip to Chugach National Forest, Alaska, said: 'My reaction was one of pure excitement and disbelief. I've often thought about seeing a bear cub standing on its rear legs like a human does, but I truly didn't expect to ever get a photograph of it.'

'I certainly never dreamed I'd get an image of one 'waving' at me while standing in a river waiting for it's mother to bring back a salmon. As the cub stood up I knew this was my opportunity to get a photograph I would cherish and remember for a lifetime.'