

B: Last week, somebody walks into my church, steals the Bible.
P: Bible? An actual Bible?
B: Yeah, you know, the flood, Abraham sacrifices Isaac... You heard of it?
H:     1     
B: I'm an tax-paying citizen.
P: So? File a police report.
B: Come on, Burke, you've got your guys sitting on me. It's part of the game, I know, but it means I am not free to find out who did this.
P: Yeah, it means you're not free to bust heads until you do.
B:     2     
H: Get to your point.
B: This Bible, it's not just some book that the Gidions leave on the nightstand. This is five centuries of history from Naples.     3     
H: Your personal feelings for Barelli aside, I don't want the archdiocese's crawling on our necks because we refused to help recover a medieval bible.
P: Fine. But if Barelli asked for our help, he must really want it back. All right, let's get this straight here. You may go to confession once a week, but the bureau doesn't forgive sins.     4     
B: What do you want?
P: Shut down your book-making operations at Masso's club.
B: Masso's. It's a restaurant.     5     Please help me find my god damn Bible..
Why do you want our help? Do I have to take these accusations? The saints prayed over this book. We don't work for you. See it for yourself, any time, after Thursday.