【犯罪心理】S01E15(1) 18年前,連環(huán)殺手突然消失了
上期節(jié)目: 【犯罪心理】S01E14(2) 我的生命在遇到Jacob的時候就結(jié)束了
The end of his two year killing spree
Seven women were dead.
He made a name for himself, literally.
He sent out written communication identifying himself as the "Keystone Killer".
These letters, all of which were accompanied by word search puzzle were a part of his game,
Like "The Son of Sam" he taunted the police,
As you'll see in the book he left specific crime scene details in the word puzzles.
And then 18 years ago he just stopped killing.
Now one of the Philadelphia PD's theories was that he was in jail with an unrelated charge.
But 2_______________.
He could not remain a faceless prisoner for so long.
Another theory was that he simply moved away.
And he continued killing in another city or another country.
The FBI's VI-CAP program tracks murders and murderers all around the world.
They turned up nothing.
The signature we have never seen repeated.
Another theory was that he had died,
which was the only explanation for why a compulsive psychopath would stop killing.
But I never believed he was a psychopath who had to do this.
This is his last victim, Amy Jennings. She was 23.
So uh!
So even if he thinks he's finished!
He still has a debt to pay.