
上期節(jié)目: 【犯罪心理】S01E010(1) 我需要一個(gè)本地人的搜救隊(duì)


Came as soon as I heard, sheriff.
Good morning, Henry.
then just stand by for a few minutes.
Everyone, please, as soon as you've signed in
make your way back to the police cars.
That's where you'll be assigned your groups. Thank you.
I grew up in Brooklyn.
You couldn't get this many people out for anything less than free money.
Well, 2_____________.
Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please?
Now, 3______________.
Each grid has a deputy or an FBI agent.
You find anything, do not touch it.
Just let your grid leader know.
Now, are there any questions?
All right. Everyone get in your group now.
All right, you guys, 4_________.
You have the sign-in sheets?
Is Garcia standing by to do background on them all?
I got a deputy waiting to take me back to the station.
Good. This type of unsub can't resist injecting himself into a show like this.
He's here with us.

Sign in with this lady here here come the jocks and cheerleaders you're all assigned grid squares to search let's head out I'm gonna fax her soon as I get there