【尼基塔】S01E12(02) Birkhoff被逮捕
Ryan: What do you know about a hacker going by the handle shadow walker? Guy has his heyday in the nineties. He was__(1)__ at security hacks. He was so good, he managed to pull off a cyberintrusion into the pentagon in 1993.
Birkhoff: What's a cyberintrusion? Sounds vaguely sexual.
Ryan: Shadow walker was also the?__(2)__ of several international e-crimes. I'm sure you're familiar with them. Here's the bottom line. The CIA has?__(3)__ linking you to the shadow walker identity.
Birkhoff: A, that's impossible, because I'm not shadow walker, and B, I'm dying of thirst, and as part of my?__(4)__ liberties. I demand an energy beverage, whatever has the most taurine.
Ryan: You wanna get that to go? Because you're headed to a Bangkok prison after we?__(5)__ you.
Birkhoff: Ah, mini ethan hunt. You need to worry about where you're headed, because you have no idea who you're dealing with. And not only have I always wanted to say that. It's true.