
上期節(jié)目: 【犯罪心理】S01E09(2) 他想要移除什么?


It's probably the higher authority.
I was supposed to go right back out there. I have rules.
Answer the phone.
You want me to stay,
I'm obviously going to stay
but, I mean, you're going to be the one that has to explain it to the man.
The man?
They're still trying to tell you what to do, Ted.
Why can't you all just leave me alone?
Leave you alone?
- Stay out of this.
- No.
The government does watch us.
You got microwaves and satellites.
- I'm with you, man.
- 2____________.
- Screw you.
- Dr. Bryar, answer the phone.
My old man 3______________.
He said it was for theft but it's so he could find out where I'd go.
And what about personal recordings and televisions?
You don't think someone's monitoring everything you watch?
You know how many 4_____________?
Look it up, man.
Here he comes, Ted.
He's the agent who's playing the hero.
Answer the phone, Ted.
- Stop. This isn't going to help.
- What the hell do you know?
Ted, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
He's just a kid.
Who you calling a kid?
Sit down.
Oh, now you're gonna tell me what to do?
- I'm with you, man.
- He's not with us, Ted.
He's not with us at all.
Answer the phone, Dr. Bryar.
It's the higher authority.
They're coming for you, Ted.
- Teddy?
- Oh, damn.

I told you I have protocols to follow Do not agitate him used to have tracking devices in his cars patents are issued for devices to monitor people He'd only have one gun if you weren't here