We weren't exactly offboard with Homeland this season, despite a wide array of fans and critics rolling their eyes at recent twists and huffing over the lack of Brody. So let's talk about the reasons why we have been loving the third season of Homeland:

1. Saul, the Boss: He's been hovering around, losing his director status all season long, but Saul has never been more badass.

2. Carrie and Brody: "But they've barely been in the same country all season!" is what you are probably yelling right now. But didn't that make their eventual reunion all the more satisfying? There's still so many unanswered questions between them, so Brody has to survive…right? Which brings us to our next point…

3. High Stakes: Not since the season-one finale have we been so worried for our characters. The chances of Brody making it out of this season alive are very slim, but we're still rooting for it, which means we legitimately believe he could be killed off. That makes every scene, every line, every moment with him all the more electric.

4. Buying Into It: Look, we could write pages and pages about how Homeland could be considered far-fetched or its plotlines too hard to believe, but if you just take the show for what it is, and buy into all the drama, action and pivotal storylines, you just might find yourself as entertained as we are.

So what are your thoughts on season three? Are you as into it as we are ?
