2013-01-13 10:00
XNTAwMjc5MjA4/ Hints: Amanda vengeance 37s處為破折號,后面的單詞大寫 不同人說話換行即可
XNTAwMjc5MjA4/ Hints: Amanda vengeance 37s處為破折號,后面的單詞大寫 不同人說話換行即可
My dear Amanda, if you're reading this, then two things have come to pass. I am finally able to provide you the life you were unjustly denied, and sadly I won't be able to share that life with you. I hope these journals provide answers to the questions you've had all these years. I am not the man they say I am. And I did not do the things they say I did. All I ask is that you promise to do the one thing that's been so hard for me to do- Forgive.
But that was a promise I couldn't keep. When deception cuts this deep, someone has to pay. My father's chance to bring justice to the truly guilty was stolen from him. His only option was to forgive. I have others. They say vengeance is a dish best served cold. But sometimes it's as warm as a bowl of soup. My father died an innocent man, betrayed by the woman he loved. When everything you love has been stolen from you, sometimes all you have left is revenge. Like I said, this is not a story about forgiveness.
——譯文來自: 抇言亂偊