對于這部新片,導(dǎo)演Guy Ritchie表示他想要從全新的視角去闡述這個故事,會增加一些打斗場面。他原先最擔心的演員口音現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)不成問題。導(dǎo)演說扮演福爾摩斯的Robert Downey操著一口他聽過的最好的英國口音,而裘德·洛本身又是地地道道的英國人。至于扮演福爾摩斯摯愛Irene Adler的Rachel McAdams,反正那個角色原本就是美國人。
Check out the first pictures of Jude Law as Dr. Watson, the sidekick to pipe-smoking sleuth Sherlock Holmes. “We’re going to try to introduce something we haven’t seen before, authentic to the narrative,” director Guy Ritchie has said of his new flick. “We’re trying to make this film fresh. We should have some good fight sequences.” He added, “My one concern was the accents but this is no longer the case. Robert Downey has the best English accent I’ve ever heard. Also Rachel McAdams is playing American (love interest Irene Adler), which is true to the books. Outside of that, Jude is obviously Brit. Robert was obviously going to be the big one, and we seem to have transcended that particular hurdle.”
【小編短評】 福爾摩斯應(yīng)該是很多人的心頭大愛,這部翻拍不論成功與否,看起來注定是要引起一陣的轟動。至少對于喜歡英音的英語學習者來說,該片自然是不能錯過的學習模仿素材。小編想的是,不曉得青山剛昌會不會心血來潮一下讓名正太偵探柯南去看這部電影咧?XD