

Recently,月光族(yuè guāng zú or the moonlight group) has become popular in China.月光(yuè guāng) actually means"moonlight." But here it has a totally different meaning. 光(guāng) means "running out" here rather than "light."

月光族(yuè guāng zú) refers to a group of people having the following features: They are young, eager to follow the trend and buy fashionable items. They always run out of their salaries at the end of month and hold the principle of "how much earned, how much spent." Thus, they got their special name: 月光族(yuè guāng zú) a group of young people that intend to spend all of their salaries at the end of every month.


1. How do you spend your money? Are you one of the moonlight group?

2. Express your opinions of the Moonlight group.

3. How can we spend money wisely?

4. Say anything you want which related to the topic.


No matter how lofty we are, managing money is always a daily routine to us. Necessary as it is, we never receive any systematic training about it. After coming out of the school, teenagers abruptly move to a brand-new stage of their lives in which they are forced to independently deal with the money issues. Surrounded by numerous temptations, most of the green hands would fall into the abyss of consumption.

The moonlight group is the sufferers who constantly live from paycheck to paycheck. With the limited salaries, these people seem powerless to hold their material desires and hardly make wise spending decisions. At the end of every month, all their money has gone and they have no choice but to tighten their belts, waiting for the next payday. It is not an ideal life we want.

It is true that budgeting is complicated while cutting expenses hurts. However, our future is established upon the current spending. A decent future will never come until we learn how to manage the money.


The generation of our fathers, was born in an era during which people scraped up everything to eat. The scarcity of food makes them extremely frugal and thrifty. Although they can and are willing to splash out their lifelong saving on our education or property, general speaking, they are the generation of austerity.

We, the younger generation, have never experienced the famine or the lack of food. When we were young, our parents stretched themselves to fulfill our needs. Facing the countless of temptations in the big city when we go out of our old house and embrace the independent life, we are lost. For us, life is adorable. Everyday after work, we have so many things to do, so many new stuff to experience and enjoy. However, here’s the big problem – the humble check we get. Thus appears a huge group of young people who is called “Yueguangzu”.

Actually, the appearance of Yueguangzu reflects the diversity of our society which is no longer the same as our fathers'. As long as lifestyle of Yueguangzu does not affect others, there’s no ground to teach them a lesson or criticize them. And, gradually, Yueguangzu will find a way to not spend all his earning when they realize their responsibilities and burdens.
