英文天天寫: 且行且珍惜
Time is passing and never come back. When asking dying persons what they regretted the most, majority of them answered that they did not cherish time: they did not cherish time when they are young, they did not cherish time when their family members accompanied with them, they did not cherish the time when they should strive to do meaningful thing and so on. Please cherish time because the present you are wasting is just the tomorrow which the dead once looked forward to; please cherish time because the moment you are disgusting is just the past which you can never revisit in the future. I wish I won’t regret walking the bank of the living river at the end of the life. To sum up with the word written by Bertrand Russell, it is also my hope: "I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do and content in the thought that what was possible has been done."
Compared to my mother, my father’s love is always more aggressive and difficult to feel because he always has much higher requirements. For example, in his mind, a young man like me should earn more money and take the responsibility for a whole family. Till now, it seems I’m far from his requirements. On the other hand, he usually has little words. Every time I call back to home, he is too impatient to talk more than three words: ‘Are you doing good?’, ‘Do you have any other things to tell?’ and ‘I hang up!’ I found it difficult to communicate with him until I graduated from college. Once I climbed a mountain with him in my hometown, I quickly reached the top in an hour and left him behind for another half-an-hour walk. Panting all the time, he arrived finally with sweat converging to streams flowing off his forehead. I found an obvious reality which I had overlooked in the past that he was old. Also, I realized that wherever I went, he was the one holding my back forever no matter he was young or old. Hopefully, it’s not too late for me to learn to cherish his love. I love you, my great father!