來源:daily mail
2013-07-30 13:30
The third season of Homeland has thus far been kept so under wraps, fans can only speculate as to what events will unfold.
Now, a first teaser promo for season three has been released, and it certainly does what it says on the tin by whetting appetites while giving very little away.
However Homeland addicts can rest assured that Agent Brody will be back, as evidenced in the promo which is simply an audio clip of various sound bites.
And his on/off love interest Carrie, played by Claire Danes, is apparently looking for him, as Brody’s voice says: ‘Does Carrie know I'm here?’
而和Brody有感情糾葛的女主角Carrie(由Claire Danes扮演)則顯然是在找他,因為能聽到Brody的聲音在說:“Carrie知道我在這里嗎?”
His distinctive tone also utters: ‘I'm almost here,’ as well as ‘I need my passport,’ and ‘I just need to get my strength back.’
Brody非常有辨識度的聲音還在訴說著:“我快到了” “我要我的護照” “我得恢復下體力” 等。
The promo indicates that the government are still looking for Brody and an unidentified voice claims: ‘We don't know where he is.’