朝鮮舉行閱兵式慶祝朝鮮戰(zhàn)爭停戰(zhàn)60周年 (視頻)
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has staged a major military parade to mark the 60th anniversary of the Korean War ceasefire.
The parade is a showcase of the DPRK’s military arsenal including missiles, equipment and tanks. About 10,000 soldiers are said to be involved in the parade, with groups of civilians scheduled to march through the square later.
DPRK top leader Kim Jong Un and Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao watched the parade.
This year’s celebration is one of the biggest events in the country since Kim Jong Un took office in late 2011.
The ceasefire of the Korean War came on July 27th, 1953, when the Armistice Agreement was signed in Panmunjom on the border between the DPRK and South Korea.