Delena really will begin a “new relationship,” and “try to make it work.” But, as you might guess, it won't go smoothly because there's a “villain in their midst they don’t know is a villain at the beginning.”

Silas and his story are not going anywhere: “[It's] a pretty cool mythology that will carry on in terms of Silas, and the mystery of his past — 1,000 or 2,000 years ago.”

Class itself may be "boring," Plec says, but Whitemore College will play a key role: “We always knew that Grams was a professor who taught the occults and that Aunt Jenna was off getting her master’s degree.”

And finally Jeremy is alive again. Hooray! But how exactly will he explain this to his friends? Plec has the same question: “What the hell cover story is that going to be? How’s he going to explain that? He had a memorial service! ”