

泰坦尼克號 Titanic (1997)

泰坦尼克號 Titanic (1997)

導(dǎo)演: 詹姆斯·卡梅隆
編劇: 詹姆斯·卡梅隆
主演: 萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧 / 凱特·溫絲萊特 / 比利·贊恩 / 凱西·貝茨 / 弗蘭西絲·費舍 / 格勞瑞亞·斯圖爾特 / 蘇茜·愛米斯 / 比爾·帕克斯頓 / 伯納德·希爾 / 維克多·加博 / 伊萬·斯圖爾特 / 詹姆斯·卡梅隆
類型: 劇情 / 愛情 / 歷史 / 冒險 / 災(zāi)難
語言: 英語 / 法語 / 德語 / 瑞典語 / 意大利語 / 俄語
上映日期: 1998-04-03(中國大陸) / 1997-12-19(美國)

1912年4月10日,號稱 “世界工業(yè)史上的奇跡”的豪華客輪泰坦尼克號開始了自己的處女航,從英國的南安普頓出發(fā)駛往美國紐約。富家少女羅絲(凱特?溫絲萊特)與母親及未婚夫卡爾坐上了頭等艙;另一邊,放蕩不羈的少年畫家杰克(萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧)也在碼頭的一場賭博中贏得了下等艙的船票。羅絲厭倦了上流社會虛偽的生活,不愿嫁給卡爾,打算投海自盡,被杰克救起。很快,美麗活潑的羅絲與英俊開朗的杰克相愛,杰克帶羅絲參加下等艙的舞會、為她畫像,二人的感情逐漸升溫。1912年4月14日,星期天晚上,一個風(fēng)平浪靜的夜晚。泰坦尼克號撞上了冰山,“永不沉沒的”泰坦尼克號面臨沉船的命運,羅絲和杰克剛萌芽的愛情也將經(jīng)歷生死的考驗。

泰坦尼克號 Titanic (1997)


Rose: I love you, Jack.
Jack: Don't you do that, don't say your good-byes.
Rose: I'm so cold.
Jack: Listen, Rose. You're gonna get out of here, you're gonna go on and make lots of babies, and you're gonna watch them grow. You're gonna die an old... an old lady warm in her bed, but not here, not this night. Not like this, do you understand me?
Rose: I can't feel my body.
Jack: Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me... it brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Rose. I'm thankful. You must do me this honor, Rose. Promise me you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise.
Rose: I promise.
Jack: Never let go.
Rose: I'll never let go. I'll never let go, Jack.

愛 Amour (2012)

愛 Amour (2012)

導(dǎo)演: 邁克爾·哈內(nèi)克
編劇: 邁克爾·哈內(nèi)克
主演: 讓·路易·特蘭蒂尼昂 / ?,旀ぁ愅?/ 伊莎貝爾·于佩爾 / 威廉姆·西梅爾
類型: 劇情 / 愛情
語言: 英語 / 法語
上映日期: 2012-05-20(戛納電影節(jié)) / 2012-10-24(法國)

Anne(?,旀ぁ愅?Emmanuelle Riva 飾)和Georges(讓-路易斯·特林提格南特 Jean-Louis Trintignant 飾)這對老夫妻已經(jīng) 80多歲了,他們都是退休的,有教養(yǎng)的音樂教師。他們的女兒Eva(伊莎貝爾·于佩爾 Isabelle Huppert 飾)也是一個音樂工作者,目前生活在國外。可是有一天,Anne突然中風(fēng),隨后偏癱,臥床不起。而正是從這一天開始,她和喬治斯的愛情,在某種程度上開始了考驗.....

愛 Amour (2012)


Georges: "Things will go on as they have done up until now. They'll go from bad to worse. Things will go on, and then one day it will all be over."

Georges: "Anne?"
Anne: "What are you doing? You left the water running."
Georges: "What? Are you completely mad? Is this a joke?"
Anne: "Sorry?"
Georges: "Is this some kind of prank? Are you playing a prank on me?"
Anne: "What prank? I don't understand. Why that tone of voice? What's gotten into you?"
Georges: "Stop playing games. It's not funny."
Anne: "What games, for goodness' sake? What's going on?"

怦然心動 Flipped (2010)

怦然心動 Flipped (2010)

導(dǎo)演: 羅伯·萊納
編劇: 羅伯·萊納 / 安德魯·沙因曼 / 文德琳·范·德拉安南
主演: 瑪?shù)铝铡た_爾 / 卡蘭·麥克奧利菲 / 瑞貝卡·德·莫妮 / 安東尼·愛德華茲 / 約翰·馬奧尼 / 佩內(nèi)洛普·安·米勒 / 艾丹·奎因 / 凱文·韋斯曼 / 摩根·莉莉
類型: 劇情 / 喜劇 / 愛情
語言: 英語
上映日期: 2010-08-06(美國)

布萊斯(卡蘭?麥克奧利菲 Callan McAuliffe 飾)全家搬到小鎮(zhèn),鄰家女孩朱麗(瑪?shù)铝?卡羅爾 Madeline Carroll 飾)前來幫忙。她對他一見鐘情,心愿是獲得他的吻。兩人是同班同學(xué),她一直想方設(shè)法接近他,但是他避之不及。她喜歡爬在高高的梧桐樹上看風(fēng)景。但因為施工,樹被要被砍掉,她誓死捍衛(wèi),希望他并肩作戰(zhàn),但是他退縮了。她的事跡上了報紙,外公對她頗有好感,令他十分困惑。她憑借雞下蛋的項目獲得了科技展第一名,成了全場焦點,令他黯然失色。她把自家雞蛋送給他,他聽家人懷疑她家雞蛋不衛(wèi)生,便偷偷把雞蛋丟掉。她得知真相,很傷心,兩人關(guān)系跌入冰點。她跟家人訴說,引發(fā)爭吵。原來父親一直攢錢照顧傻弟弟,所以生活拮據(jù)。她理解了父母,自己動手,還得到了他外公的鼎力相助。他向她道歉,但是并未解決問題。他開始關(guān)注她。雞蛋風(fēng)波未平,家庭晚宴與午餐男孩評選又把兩人扯在了一起……

怦然心動 Flipped (2010)


Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.

A painting is more than the sum of its parts. A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. But you put them all together and it can be magic.

斷背山 Brokeback Mountain (2005)

斷背山 Brokeback Mountain (2005)

導(dǎo)演: 李安
編劇: 拉里·麥克穆特瑞 / Diana Ossana / Annie Proulx
主演: 希斯·萊杰 / 杰克·吉倫哈爾 / 米歇爾·威廉姆斯 / 安妮·海瑟薇 / 凱特·瑪拉 / 蘭迪·奎德 / 琳達·卡德里尼 / 安娜·法瑞絲 / 格拉漢姆·貝克爾 / 斯科特·邁克爾·坎貝爾 / 大衛(wèi)·哈伯 / Roberta Maxwell / 皮特·麥克羅比
類型: 劇情 / 愛情 / 同性 / 家庭
語言: 英語
上映日期: 2005-12-16(美國)


斷背山 Brokeback Mountain (2005)


Ennis Del Mar: You got your wife and baby in Texas and, you know, I got my life in Riverton.
Jack Twist: That so? You and Alma, that's a life.
Ennis Del Mar: Now you shut up about Alma. This ain't her fault. The bottom line is...we're around each other and...this thing grabs hold of us again...in the wrong place...in the wrong time...we're dead.

Alma Beers Del Mar: You know, I used to wonder how come you never brought any trouts home. You always said you caught plenty, and you know how me and the girls like fish. So one night I got your creel case(ph) open the night before you went on one of your little trips — price tag's still on it after five years — and I tied a note to the end of the line. It said, 'Hello, Ennis, bring some fish home. Love. Alma.' And then you come back looking all perky and said you caught a bunch of browners and you ate them up. Do you remember? I looked in that case first chance I got, and there was my note still tied there. That rod hadn't touched water in its life.

剪刀手愛德華 Edward Scissorhands (1990)

剪刀手愛德華 Edward Scissorhands (1990)

導(dǎo)演: 蒂姆·波頓
編劇: 卡羅琳·湯普森 / 蒂姆·波頓
主演: 約翰尼·德普 / 薇諾娜·瑞德 / 安東尼·邁克爾·豪爾 / 黛安·韋斯特 / 凱西·貝克
類型: 劇情 / 愛情 / 奇幻
語言: 英語
上映日期: 1990-12-06

愛德華(約翰尼?戴普 飾)是一個機器人,他擁有人的心智,卻有一雙剪刀手,孤獨地生活在古堡里,闖入古堡的化妝品推銷員佩格把他帶回家,讓他走進了人類的世界。單純的愛德華愛上了佩格的女兒金(薇諾娜?瑞德 飾),金也慢慢的被愛德華的善良所吸引。但是,一連串的意外事情讓周圍的人鄰居對愛德華的態(tài)度從喜歡變成無法接受,愛德華痛苦地發(fā)現(xiàn),他總是好心辦壞事,連自己的愛人都不能擁抱,或許,他注定就不屬于這個世界。

剪刀手愛德華 Edward Scissorhands (1990)


Kim: Hold me.
Edward: I can't.

Edward: I knew it was Jim's house.
Kim: Then... why did you do it?
Edward: Because you asked me to.

Kim: You see, before he came down here, it never snowed. And afterwards, it did. If he weren't up there now... I don't think it would be snowing. Sometimes you can still catch me dancing in it.

愛在黎明破曉前 Before Sunrise (1995)

愛在黎明破曉前 Before Sunrise (1995)

導(dǎo)演: 理查德·林克萊特
編劇: 理查德·林克萊特 / 金·克里桑
主演: 伊?!せ艨?/ 朱莉·德爾佩 / 安德莉亞·??颂?/ 漢諾·波西爾 / Karl Bruckschwaiger
類型: 劇情 / 愛情
語言: 英語 / 德語 / 法語
上映日期: 1995-01-27(美國)

美國青年杰西(伊?!せ艨?Ethan Hawke 飾)在火車上偶遇了法國女學(xué)生塞琳娜(朱莉·德爾佩 Julie Delpy 飾),兩人在火車上交談甚歡。當(dāng)火車到達維也納時,杰西盛情邀請塞琳娜一起在維也納游覽一番,即使杰西翌日便要坐飛機離開。與杰西一見鐘情的塞琳娜接受了杰西的邀請。他們一邊游覽城市,一邊談?wù)撝舜说倪^去 ,彼此對生活的感想,兩人了解越加深刻。他們非常珍惜這美妙的晚上,這對戀人一起經(jīng)歷了很多浪漫的經(jīng)歷因為他們約定在半年后再見,而此次約會將會在日出之間結(jié)束……

愛在黎明破曉前 Before Sunrise (1995)


Celine: I believe if there's any kind of God it wouldn't be in any of us, not you or me but just this little space in between. If there's any kind of magic in this world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something. I know, it's almost impossible to succeed but who cares really? The answer must be in the attempt.
Jesse: Sometimes I dream about being a good father and a good husband. And sometimes it feels really close. But then other times it seems silly like it would ruin my whole life. And it's not just a fear of commitment or that I'm incapable of caring or loving because... I can. It's just that, if I'm totally honest with myself I think I'd rather die knowing that I was really good at something. That I had excelled in some way than that I'd just been in a nice, caring relationship.

和莎莫的500天 (500) Days of Summer (2009)

和莎莫的500天 (500) Days of Summer (2009)

導(dǎo)演: 馬克·韋布
編劇: Scott Neustadter / Michael H. Weber
主演: 約瑟夫·高登-萊維特 / 佐伊·丹斯切爾 / 克拉克·格雷格 / 馬修·格雷·古柏勒 / 吉奧弗瑞·阿倫德 / 科洛·莫瑞茲
類型: 劇情 / 喜劇 / 愛情
語言: 英語 / 法語 / 瑞典語
上映日期: 2009-07-17

來自新澤西的湯姆(Joseph Gordon-Levitt約瑟夫?高登-萊維特 飾)是一個沉溺于英倫哀歌與《畢業(yè)生》情境的年輕人。他供職于一家賀卡公司,任務(wù)是撰寫富有創(chuàng)意的祝辭。某次會議上,湯姆的老板把新助理介紹給大家,她是來自密歇根的魅力女孩莎莫(Zooey Deschanel 佐伊?丹斯切爾 飾)。莎莫自幼父母離異,因此對于感情的態(tài)度與眾不同。湯姆和莎莫沒有一見鐘情,但卻在一次酒吧K歌后彼此示好,成了非典型的戀人。而且這段辦公室戀情迅速升溫,愛火燒得誰都無法預(yù)料。最后,在一個餐館里,莎莫對湯姆說了絕情的分手。深陷情網(wǎng)的湯姆,經(jīng)受不住失戀的打擊,郁郁寡歡,周圍的伙伴們希望幫他走出陰影,然而,這并不是故事的全部,本片以湯姆的視角把時間重新組接,讓觀眾在對比中體味500天戀愛的弦外之音……

和莎莫的500天 (500) Days of Summer (2009)


Tom: It's official. I'm in love with Summer. I love her smile. I love her hair. I love her knees. I love how she licks her lips before she talks. I love her heart-shaped birthmark on her neck. I love it when she sleeps.

Tom: [Montage of Summer] I hate her crooked teeth. I hate her 1960s haircut. I hate her knobby knees. I hate that cockroach-shaped splotch on her neck. I hate the way she smacks her lips before she talks and I hate the way she sounds when she laughs. I HATE THIS SONG!

人鬼情未了 Ghost (1990)

人鬼情未了 Ghost (1990)

導(dǎo)演: 杰瑞·扎克
編劇: 布魯斯·喬伊·羅賓
主演: 帕特里克·斯威茲 / 黛米·摩爾 / 托尼·戈德溫 / 烏比·戈德堡
類型: 劇情 / 愛情 / 懸疑 / 驚悚 / 奇幻
語言: 英語
上映日期: 1990-07-13


人鬼情未了 Ghost (1990)


Molly: Sam, can you feel me? Sam: With all my heart.

Sam Wheat: They're going to kill you, Carl. You and Willie! You're going to be fertilizer. They're gonna bury you right next to Jimmy Hoffa.

Sam Wheat: I'm Henry the 8th I am. Henry the 8th I am I am. I got married to the widow next door. She's been married seven times before.

You think I fell? You think I jumped? Well fuck you! I wasn't supposed to die. I'm not supposed to be here! Oh...oh. I'd give anything for a drag. Who are you? Why are you hounding me? Who sent you? WHO SENT YOU?! Leave me alone! Leave me alone!?