2013-05-04 04:00
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
For us today, there is a wide variety of music available to listen to and enjoy. The styles are many, and each reflects the time in which it was composed. Modern music also has many forms, ranging from popular music, jazz, rock and contemporary orchestral music. The music of our age reflects our values, culture history, politics and way of life. Music and art reflect many aspects of the eras in which they were created. In today's lecture I'd like to talk about a famous composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria, and is reputed to have been the most naturally gifted musician that ever lived. At the age of six, a child prodigy, he could play the violin, piano and was already composing his own music. His father, also a musician, knew of his son's extraordinary musical gift when he was only four years old. Making full use of his son's talent, he paraded young Mozart through all the courts of Europe to entertain the nobility and show off his son's greatness.