1. 題干、選項通常都較長,閱讀量大,需要考生較快的閱讀速度;
2. 選項中干擾信息多,正確答案通常以間接信息出現(xiàn)。
1. 第一遍讀題快速瀏覽所有題干,劃出路標詞;
2. 第二遍讀題仔細閱讀選項,比較選項的異同,并劃出選項中的核心詞匯,即此選項的細節(jié)特點,如否定、比較級或最高級、強調詞(如only, all, must, always, too等)、及修飾限定的形容詞或副詞;否定詞如don’t, didn’t, haven’t, have no, without, lack, there’s no等。如選項中出現(xiàn)這些詞,聽音時注意原文如有否定詞或否定形式出現(xiàn),此選項為正確選項。
例題解析1: (Cambridge 4 Test 2 Section 2 Question 13)
The international students find the stress especially difficult to deal with because
A. they lack the support from family or friends.
B. they don’t have time to make friends.
C. they find it difficult to socialize.
解析:在閱讀選項時,應注意A選項的lack為否定詞匯,即“沒有朋友、家人的支持”;B選項也有否定,“沒有時間”。在聽音時就應注意目標,原文是否有否定,是沒有“支持”,還是沒有“時間”。錄音材料在重讀without一詞時,考生應注意與本題有關,之后說“social network”, “you know, social contact, family, friends...”。通過否定詞without及之后的詞確定A選項為答案。
(錄音:And of course you should cope with all this without your usual social network. You know, the social contact, family and friends that you can rely on for help. )
比較級或最高級在選項中出現(xiàn),如選項They have to study harder than they did at school, 在聽音時一定要注意原文是否有比較級出現(xiàn),如只聽到study very hard, 沒有比較,此選項為干擾項。
例題解析2: (Cambridge 4 Test 4 Section 2 Question 13)
The walks offered by Travellite
A. cater for a range of walking abilities.
B. are planned by guides from the local area.
C. are for people with good fitness levels.
解析:A選項有修飾詞a range of, C選項有修飾詞good, 在讀選項時,應重點將這些詞標注,而不是其后的名詞。選項C的fitness levels是干擾的重點,與錄音原文文字一致,但起限定作用的形容詞good與錄音原文中all含義不一致,所以C是錯選。正確選項為A選項,a range of指的就是錄音原文中的all。
(錄音:Each day we offer three separate walks catering for all skills and fitness levels.)
3. 聽到題干的路標詞后,抓住句子的核心詞,快速與選項進行對照。如果選項中的核心詞匯(即上一點提到的細節(jié)詞匯)在原文沒有對應,此選項往往為干擾項;
4. 有些選項構成明顯的對比,往往可以通過它們之間的差異,縮小聽音范圍。
例題解析3: (Cambridge 5Test 3 Section 2 Question 20)
With regard to their English, the speaker advises that students to
A. tell their lecturers if they have problems understanding.
B. have private English lessons when they arrive.
C. practice their spoken English before they arrive.
解析:B、C選項存在明顯對比,一個是到英國后加強英語,一個是來英國前加強英語;關鍵詞分別劃在when和before, 來進行區(qū)分,同時可以先排除A。
(錄音:Having said that though, I’m afraid the lecturers will make little or no allowance for the presence of non-native speakers in the audience, so anything you can do to improve your spoken English, even beyond the pretty high level most of you have already reached will make your stay with us that bit more fun for you. Some extra practice before you arrive is worth more than, for example, private lessons afterwards when you won’t really have time.)
1. 選項通常較長,需要考生快速、準確的閱讀能力;
2. 正確答案的數(shù)量在題目中有規(guī)定,考生要注意題干要求。
1. 分析選項的方法與單選題相同;
2. 比較選項,找出結構相似細節(jié)不同的選項,這樣的選項中往往會有一個是答案;
3. 選項較簡單的,錄音和選項會有同義替換,不能按照所聽即所得的原則選擇。
例題解析4: (Cambridge 6, Test 4, Section 3)
Questions 28-30
Which THREE topics do this term’s study skills workshops cover?
A. An introduction to the Internet
B. How to carry out research for a dissertation
C. Making good use of the whole range of library services
D. Planning a dissertation
E. Standard requirements when writing a dissertation
F. Using the Internet when doing research
G. What books and technical resources are available in the library
經(jīng)過分析我們發(fā)現(xiàn),選項A, F都提及Internet, 可以歸為一類;選項B, D, E都與Dissertation有關,歸為第二類;選項C, G中都有Library, 歸為第三類。這樣我們就根據(jù)一定的特點把選項與干擾項進行了歸類,根據(jù)類似選項形成互相干擾并且容易得出正確答案的原則,我們可以大膽的預測三類中各出一個正確答案,正好組成此題的最終答案。如此這般的抽絲剝繭能使我們把零零散散的七個選項歸為有特點的三大類,從視覺上感覺已經(jīng)輕松多了,感覺并不是面對七個毫無關聯(lián)的選項,而是在三類中選三個答案。接下來需要做的就是排除同類中的唯一或者最多不超過兩個干擾項,寫下正確答案。
1. 為了考查考生的聽力理解能力,雅思聽力選擇題采用了兩大干擾方法:間接信息與陷阱;
2. 間接信息指的是,錄音中聽到的內容與正確選項中的內容貌離神合——經(jīng)常是文字不一致,但意思一致;
3. 干擾項指的是,錄音中聽到的內容與若干錯誤選項的內容貌合神離,往往是文字一致,但意思風馬牛不相及。