2013-04-08 04:00
Most reptiles do not have necks. Many reptiles have four legs with toes. Turtles and tortoises have hard shells which protect their bodies. Snakes are different from the other reptiles because their bodies are very long and they have no legs. They move by gliding along the ground. Some snakes can also swim.
Birds are animals with feathers on their bodies. They have many different types of feathers. Some are small and fluffy and others are long and flat. Feathers come in many different colours. Birds have no front legs but instead they have a pair of wings. They use their wings to fly. But some birds have wings, such as penguins and emus are small and stubby. These birds cannot fly. The body of a bird is made up of a head, a neck, a trunk and a tail. The mouth of a bird is in the form of a hard bill or beak. The shape of the bill depends on the type of food the bird eats. Some birds such as ducks, have flat bills for sieving small bits of food from the mud. Other birds such as eagles have sharp, pointed bills for catching small animals and tearing fish.
——By lsy34