Hints: 本期學習的字源:du-=two二,dou為其變形 TIME Express 單詞不需要大寫,單詞與例句或不同詞條之間換行即可。 注解中詳細介紹了單詞的拆分與釋義,是學習字源分析的重中之重!一定記得聽寫后來看注解!
double dual TIME Express serves the dual purpose of supplying information and aiding language acquisition. duet A duet requires two players or singers to perform. duplicity The ticket agent sold the same ticket to five different customers. This is a clear case of duplicity.
TIME Express serves the dual purpose of supplying information and aiding language acquisition. 《解讀時代》具有雙重使命:提供資訊以及輔助語言學習。 A duet requires two players or singers to perform. 二重奏(二重唱)需要兩位樂手或歌手演出。 The ticket agent sold the same ticket to five different customers. This is a clear case of duplicity. 黃牛把同一張票賣給了5個人,這顯然是欺詐。