Hints: 本期學(xué)習(xí)的字源:mal-=bad壞 Quinine Shakespeare's Macbeth Mayor 單詞不需要大寫,單詞與例句或不同詞條之間換行即可。 注解中詳細(xì)介紹了單詞的拆分與釋義,是學(xué)習(xí)字源分析的重中之重!一定記得聽寫后來看注解!
maladjusted malaria Quinine is a potent cure for malaria. malevolent There are three malevolent witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth. malfunction The plane crash was caused by a malfunctioning engine. malicious The Mayor says that the story that he's having an affair is a malicious rumor. malnutrition Many poor children in Africa suffer from malnutrition.
Quinine is a potent cure for malaria. 金雞納霜是治療瘧疾的特效藥。 There are three malevolent witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth. 莎士比亞的《麥克白》中有三個不懷好意的女巫。 The plane crash was caused by a malfunctioning engine. 墜機事件是引擎故障造成的。 The Mayor says that the story that he's having an affair is a malicious rumor. 市長說他的緋聞案是惡意的謠言。 Many poor children in Africa suffer from malnutrition. 非洲有許多貧困兒童為營養(yǎng)不良所苦。