
03月18日:You can claim unemployment benefit.你可以申請失業(yè)救濟。?????????

v. (提出)要求;聲稱;斷言;需要;索取;認領(lǐng)
例如: The old man claimed the land.(老人要求得到這塊土地。)
? ? ? ? ? ?He claimed the election was rigged.(他斷言選舉有假。)

03月19日:He felt himself going pink.他感覺自己臉色發(fā)紅。???????

adj. 粉紅色的;政治觀點偏左的,略呈左傾的;與同性戀有關(guān)的
例如:She carried a spray of pink roses.(她拿著一簇粉紅色的玫瑰花。)
? ? ? ? ? Their political points are all pink.(他們的政治觀點都偏左翼。)

03月20日:The meeting is relatively informal.這個會議相對非正式。????????

vely:adv. 比較而言;相對地;相當(dāng)
例如:Considering the smallness of the car,it is relatively roomy inside.(別看這輛汽車小,里面還比較寬敞。)
? ? ? ? ? Relatively speaking it's a cold day today.(相對地說,今天是個寒冷的日子。 )

03月21日:Everyone was thoroughly entertained.每個人都非常開心。?????????

ghlyadv. 完全地;非常,極其;徹底地;認真仔細地
例如:Her rebuff thoroughly deflated him.(她的拒絕使他的驕氣大挫。)
? ? ? ? ? They had not studied the language very thoroughly.(他們沒有很仔細地研究這一語言。)

03月22日:There is no point in feeling depressed.沮喪是沒用的。???????????

n. 點;標(biāo)點;要點;尖端;得分
例如:The fractional portion, to the right of the decimal point, represents the time.(小數(shù)點右邊的小數(shù)部分表示時間。)
? ? ? ? ? The focal point of our work is to increase economic efficiency.(我們工作的重點是提高經(jīng)濟效益。)

03月23日:The accident had left him with a slight limp.那場事故讓他變得有點跛。??????????

n. 跛行
例如:A stiff knee following surgery forced her to walk with a limp.(手術(shù)后她的膝蓋活動不便,走路時被迫跛行。)
? ? ? ? ? He still walks with a little bit of a limp.(他走路還有一點小瘸。)

02月24日:She's a natural crier.她天生是個愛哭鬼。?????????

l:nadj. 自然的;天然的;不做作的;天生的;原始的憫
例如:The natural scenery is beautiful here.(這里自然景色很美。)
? ? ? ? ? Natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study.(天生的才干如同天生的植物一樣,需要靠學(xué)習(xí)來修剪。) ?
