The Peking Opera version of Les Miserables regain people’s attention----is there any possible that Chinese and Western art forms can merge?

It’s Better than It Sounds

In 1891, Mark Twain, the American humorist, went to Bayreuth (拜羅伊特), Germany, to see several of Richard Wagner’s operas. Wagner is considered a musical genius and his operas are revered (尊奉) as the epitome (典范) of high culture (高雅文化). Twain, however, was not a man of high culture and after enduring six hours of strange acting and unnaturally loud singing, he was only willing to confess, in his ironic way, that: “Wagner’s music is better than it sounds.”

Most people tend to agree with Twain. Opera, in its Western and Chinese forms, is not to everyone’s taste: it’s stylized (風格化的) art, not natural art and it requires a degree of sophistication on the part of the audience to appreciate it. To broaden the appeal of music and drama, Americans eventually developed the Broadway musical and now millions of people enjoy things like Phantom of the Opera (《劇院魅影》), Cats and Les Miserables (《悲慘世界》). In some cases, Chinese opera has followed suit.

Les Miserables, which was made into a movie and has just won two Academy Awards, was adapted for Chinese opera in 2006 by the National Academy of Chinese Theater (中國戲曲學院). The production used some traditional elements of Chinese opera such as the musical instruments and stylized gestures, but it added Western costumes and natural acting styles. Du Changsheng, the academy’s president said they tried to find, “a proper way of merging the pure Peking Opera styles with the pure Western story, and keep harmony between them.”

The production was a hit, but it was considered an experiment and not an attempt to permanently change Chinese opera. Chinese opera is and will remain an important part of Chinese culture just as traditional opera is still an important part of culture in the West.

Today, audiences in China and the West have short attention spans (時間跨度) and prefer to be entertained without having to think too much. It takes time to develop an appreciation for traditional culture, but the effort is worth it. It can be a transcendent (卓越的) as well as entertaining experience. Too bad Mark Twain missed it.

According to the passage, did Mark Twain like Wagner’s operas?
A. He do not like it.
B. He just do not like the singing .
C. He like it?







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