Hot dogs are an All-American fare. But most likely, it was German sausage makers who first came up with the idea. In fact, there are reports of German immigrant selling them from push carts in New York’s Bowery as far back as the 1860s. A century and a half later, hot dogs are still the number one treat on the street.

Traditional hot dogs are made from a mix of pork, beef and chicken. The cuts they start with are called trimmings, pieces of meat leftover from cutting steaks or pork chops. The trimmings are grounded the same way butchers chop up hamburger meat, by pushing the cuts through grated metal plates.
傳統(tǒng)熱狗是由豬肉、牛肉和雞肉的混合物制成。他們一開始所使用的部位叫做肉渣,是切牛排或豬排所剩下的殘余肉塊。 肉渣是屠夫用和剁碎漢堡肉一樣的方式,藉由推動(dòng)肉塊穿過格子金屬板而絞碎的。

Processed chicken trimmings are added to the ground meat, followed by food starch, salt and other flavorings. These flavorings vary depending on where the hot dogs are to be sold, because people in different regions have different tastes.

Water is sprayed into the mix, and everything is blended together in a big vat. Corn syrup adds a dash of sweetness. The addition of even more water helps to disperse the ingredients and make the hot dogs juicier. Another machine then purees the meat batter into a fine emulsion and vacuums out any air.

Long rolls of cellulose tubing are loaded into the stuffing machine. It pumps the meat puree into these casings, twisting it every five and a quarter inches, the length of one hot dog. It takes just 35 seconds to make a chain of hot dogs that would span a soccer field twice.

Then, three of those hot dog chains are linked together to make an even longer string. And they’re loaded several at a time into another machine, which drapes the hot dogs onto moving racks. The process is carefully timed, so that the twist always lands on the bar.The racks shunt the hot dogs to a liquid smoke shower, then into an oven with several cooking zones. The liquid smokes seeps through the casing and adds flavor to the dogs as they bake.

Hot out of the oven, these franks are drenched in cold salty water, to chill them in preparation for packaging. The hot dogs then file down to an unloading zone. Here, a machine pulls them off the bars onto an conveyer. Then, the hot dogs slide off the conveyer into metal containers.

If you’ve been wondering those black stripes on the casings, all is about to be revealed. The stripe is a marker attached to the casing. The absence of the black stripe means the hot dog is cooked and ready for packaging. Inside the peeler machine, a tiny knife slits each casing along the top. Then, steamy air blows the casings right off the dogs. This machine peels 700 hot dogs a minute.

An inspector makes sure the casing has been completely removed, and that there are no defects in the dogs. Then, it’s into a device that looks like a plastic bicycle chain. The sprockets position the hot dogs for packaging.

This factory manufactures an incredible 300,000 hot dogs an hour. That’s close to two and a half million per shift. They really do churn them out like sausages. Fire up the grill, and a mouthwatering meal is just minutes away.
