


1. 不同的詞有不同的道理、不同的境界。

shout to sb.向某人大喊,可能是雙方離得遠聽不見需要大喊
shout at sb.向一個點喊,那肯定就是罵人了

2. 分析句子。


3. 分清是廬山內還是廬山外的問題。




A despondent woman (1) walking along the beach (2) she saw a bottle on the sand. She picked it up (3) pulled out the cork. “Whoosh!” A big puff of smoke (4 appear).
“You have released me (5) my prison,” the genie told her," (6) show my thanks, I grant you three wishes. But take care, (7) with each wish, your husband (8) receive double of whatever you request.”
“Why?” the woman asked. “That bum left me (9) another woman.”
“That is how it is (10 write),” replied the genie. The woman shrugged (11) then asked for a million dollars. There was a flash of light (12) a million dollars appeared (13) her feet. (14) the same time, (15) a remote place, her wayward husband looked down (16) see twice that amount (17) his feet.
“And your second wish?”
“Genie, I want the world's (18) expensive diamond necklace.” With another flash of light, the woman (19) holding the precious treasure.
And, in that distant place, her husband (20) looking for a gem broker to buy his latest bonanza.
“Genie, is it really true (21) my husband has two million dollars and more jewels than I do and (22) he gets double of whatever I wish (23)?”
The genie said it was indeed true.
“Okay, genie, I’m ready for my last wish,” the woman said, “Scare me half (24) death!”?


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Nowadays, those (1) do manual work often receive far more money than those (2) work in offices. People (3) work in offices (4) frequently referred to (5) ‘white-collar workers' (6) the simple reason (7) they usually (8) a collar and tie (9) go to work. Such is human nature (10) a lot of people (11) often willing to sacrifice higher pay (12) the privilege (13) becoming white-collar workers. This can give rise (14) curious situations, (15) it did (16) the case of Alfred Bloggs (17) worked (18) a dustman (19) the Ellesmere Corporation.?

(20) he got married, Alf was (21) embarrassed to say anything (22) his wife (23) his job. He simply told her (24) he worked (25) the Corporation. Every day, he left home (26 dress) (27) a smart black suit. He then changed (28) overalls (29) spent the next eight hours (30) a dustman. Before (31 return) home (32) night, he took a shower (33) changed back (34) his suit. Alf did this (35) over two years (36) his fellow dustmen kept his secret. Alf’s wife (37) never discovered (38) she married a dustman (39) she never (40), (41) Alf (42) just found a new job. He will soon (43) working (44) an office. He will (45) earning only half (46) much as he used (47), (48) he feels (49) his rise (50) status (51) well worth the loss (52) money. From now (53), he will wear a suit all day (54) others will call him ‘Mr. Bloggs', (55) ‘Alf'.

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