2013-03-08 08:30
1. Leather or not? Many Louis Vuitton bags are made of coated canvas, but the trim is leather. Before making a purchase, familiarize yourself with the style that interests you. If the trim is supposed to be leather, it should feel dry — not oily, slippery or sticky.
1. 是不是真皮材質(zhì)?許多路易威登手包使用涂層帆布制成,不過用真皮鑲邊。在購買前,先對你感興趣的款式有所熟悉。如果手袋配邊是真皮材質(zhì),那么手感應該干澀——而不是油膩、濕滑或粘連。
2. Is the stitching even? It should be perfect.
2. 車縫線如何?正品的縫線應該完美無缺。
3. Are there sloppy spots? There should be no back-and-forth stitching – that's a sign of sloppy construction that doesn't meet Louis Vuitton's high standards. Examine the bag carefully for this sign of a possible counterfeit. In this example, there is back and forth stitching under the tab.
3. 是否有做工粗糙的地方?正品不應該出現(xiàn)回針的情況——這標志著做工粗糙,沒有滿足路易威登的高標準。仔細檢查手包,尋找可能表明偽造的破綻。以這個包為例,在標簽下面出現(xiàn)了回針。
4. Does the pattern match? Look closely at the matching of the pattern in the outside seams. A company like Louis Vuitton, which values its logo, wouldn't divide the letters in a seam. And where the pattern appears on either side of the seam, it should match precisely.
4. 圖案是否對齊?仔細檢查縫線外的圖案是否對齊。像路易威登這樣的公司很看重標志,不會出現(xiàn)縫線分割字母的情況。不論圖案出現(xiàn)在縫線哪一側(cè),都應該準確對齊。
5. What color is the lining? It should be precisely the same shade as the real thing--not a close approximation.
5. 襯里是什么顏色?內(nèi)襯的顏色應該和真品完全相同——而不是非常接近。
6. How does the hardware feel? It should be heavy — not hollow. If it's imprinted with the Louis Vuitton name or logo, make sure it's supposed to be.
6. 五金配件的手感如何?五金件應該分量十足——而不是空心的。如果五金件上印有路易威登的名稱或標志,確認真品是否也是這么做的。
7. Are there imperfections in the print? This style, celebrating Japanese cherry blossoms, was a collaboration between Louis Vuitton's creative director Marc Jacobs, and the artist Takashi Murakami, known, among other things, for his whimsical smiley faces. In the counterfeit shown here, the brown toile peaks through the pink--something that doesn't happen in the original.
7. 印花圖案是否存在瑕疵?這款手包是為了紀念日本櫻花而創(chuàng)作,由路易威登創(chuàng)意總監(jiān)馬克·雅可布(Marc Jacobs)和藝術(shù)家村上隆(Takashi Murakami)共同設計,以奇特的笑臉圖案而著稱。在這款假冒手包上,棕色印花圖案的尖角穿過了粉色櫻花——正品不會出現(xiàn)這種情況。
8. Does anything else raise suspicion? This bag has leather trim, but there's coloring outside the dark pink border on the blossom.
8. 還有其他引人懷疑的地方嗎?這款手包有真皮配邊,不過顏色溢出了櫻花的深粉色輪廓。
9. Does the whole thing hang together? Don't be fooled by the presence of a hang tag. Anyone who can counterfeit a handbag can fake that, too.
9. 這個包整體符合標準嗎?不要被吊牌的存在所欺騙,能夠制作假冒手包的人也能仿造吊牌。
10. Where was it made? Some counterfeiters routinely mark Louis Vuitton knockoffs "Made in France." But as it happens, this cherry blossom line was made in Spain.
10. 這款包的產(chǎn)地?有些造假者經(jīng)常在路易威登仿冒品上標注“法國制造”。不過不巧的是,這款櫻花手包應該是在西班牙制造的。
If you guessed that the bag on the right is the real Louis Vuitton, good for you. But it's easy to be fooled by a fake, like the one on the left.