今天我們要講的美國習慣用語是:Strike while the iron is hotStrike就是打擊,iron是鐵。Strike while the iron is hot這個習慣用語和中國人說的趁熱打鐵的意思是完全一樣的。

比如說,有個孩子考試成績很好,父母看了成績單非常高興。這孩子就抓緊時機要求父母買玩具或是增加零用錢,在這種情況下成功的機率是很大的。這就是strike while the iron is hot。


例句-1:If I were you, I wouldn't wait till school starts again when all her friends get back. I'd ask her out on a date right now while she's by herself and feeling a little lonely. Strike while the iron is hot or you may never get another chance!




Strike while the iron is hot往往有鼓勵的意思。不過這個習慣用語在14世紀最初出現(xiàn)的時候毫無這個意思。當時懲罰盜賊的方法就是把他們的雙手砍掉。Strike while the iron is hot指的是趁著刀刃火熱的時候把手砍掉,免得傷口大量流血。


例句-2:Now that no one is buying anything, the banks are offering good terms on business loans. I think we should strike while the iron is hot. The rates are not going to be this low forever. It may be our last opportunity to buy our building.

