2012-11-09 14:01
In the episode, vampire hunter Connor takes Matt, April, and Jeremy?hostage?at The Grill, luring their vampire friends in to come save them... and to step right into his impressive trap. The best thing about the episode is that it showcases Elena as a strong, capable lead. The combination of her vampire strength and the skills she honed with Alaric get put to good use.
在這一集中,吸血鬼獵人康納(Connor)在格里酒吧(The Grill)里挾持了馬特(Matt)、艾普莉(April)還有杰里米(Jeremy),想以此引出他們的吸血鬼朋友,并設法讓他們掉進自己精心設計的陷阱里。這一集中最出彩的地方是展示了埃琳娜(Elena)的強大和領導能力。她充分施展了自己的吸血鬼技能,以及從阿拉里克(Alaric)那里學來的技巧。
"I've been on the show a little while, and something that I struggle with is I want Elena to do more things," Narducci says, noting that this was an episode he was particularly excited to write. "I want her to not be a?damsel?in distress. I want her to go out and protect her brother. We thought, if Jeremy's in?jeopardy?and we have Matt who is her high school sweetheart in jeopardy, what's Elena going to do? Is she going to wait for all these other people to get involved and save everyone for her, or will she get involved and do something?"
Her choices in this episode are?tough, but they give us good reason to root for our girl again, which we kind of needed after she got a little woe-is-me last week.
In addition to?awesome?tough vampire Elena, here are six more details you can look forward to in this week's episode, which airs Thursday night at 8 p.m. EST.
1. At one point in the episode, Damon and Elena will be on a bed together. Don't get too excited, though... they're not exactly happy to be there. (Though, she is straddling him, so you can probably get some?mileage?out of the scene for your various Tumblr creations. We'll be trawling your #Delena tag, so get creative.)
2. Caroline puts her super-vamp hearing to good use and?overhears?Klaus threaten Tyler with the knowledge of what happened between Tyler and Hayley in the mountains. Needless to say, Caroline isn't pleased -- and we get some great interaction between Candice Accola and Phoebe Tonkin as a result.
2.卡羅琳(Caroline)用吸血鬼獨有的靈敏聽力,偷聽了克勞斯(Klaus)威脅泰勒(Tyler)關于和海莉(Hayley)在山里的那些事兒。不用說,卡羅琳肯定會不開心——讓我們期待坎迪斯·阿克拉(Candice Accola,Caroline的扮演者)還有菲比·托金(Phoebe Tonkin,Hayley的扮演者)的對手戲吧。
3. Look for the return of the actual,?literal?vampire diaries. With no one to talk to about all their inner?turmoil, since they're keeping it from each other, Stefan and Elena both go back to writing in their journals. It's definitely a sign of the growing distance between them.
4. Jeremy's going to find out that he was compelled pretty quickly, and he's really not going to be happy about it. In fact, he's sick and tired of the vampire secrets in town -- and at the end of the episode, he makes a move to protect April from it.
5. Stefan and Damon's little "fight" escalates in this episode, big time, as Stefan goes to drastic measure to keep the cure a secret. Both guys get pretty violent, but by the end of the episode, Damon and Stefan's bond with each other is the most stable relationship in town.
6. Professor Shane definitely has a dangerous agenda, but he's also very motivated to protect Bonnie. She spends the entire episode with him, trying to get her magic mojo back... and she's more vulnerable to manipulation than you might think.
6.肖恩教授(Professor Shane)手上肯定掌控著一個危險的日程表,但他保護邦妮(Bonnie)是出于某種目的的。邦妮整集都和他在一起,試圖重獲魔法。但她可能比我們想象中更容易被操縱。