
09月24日:They cannot heave the rock.他們抬不起那塊巖石。

v. 用力舉起,使脹起,拋出
例如:It took five strong men to heave it up a ramp and lower it into place.(用了5個壯漢把它拉上斜坡并向下放置到位。)
? ? ? ? ? His chest heaved, and he took a deep breath.(他的胸膛上下起伏,然后他深深地吸了一口氣。)

09月25日:She stepped forward.她向前走著。

v. 走,邁步,踩
例如:I tried to step back, but he held my upper arms too tightly.(我試圖往后退,但他將我的上臂抓得太緊了。)
? ? ? ? ?She accidentally stepped on his foot on a crowded commuter train.(她在擁擠的通勤列車上不小心踩到了他的腳。)

09月26日:The wind and rain lashed at the building.雨水沖刷著房子。

v. 鞭打,猛擊,急速甩動
例如:He lashed the horse across the back with his whip. (他用鞭子抽打馬背。 )
? ? ? ? ? The tiger lashed its tail angrily.(這虎憤怒地搖尾。 )

09月27日:He is not brave enough to express himself in public.他不敢在公眾場合發(fā)表意見。

1.express:v. 表示,表達,表現
例如:I expressed my willingness to support the cause.(我表示樂意支持該項運動。)
? ? ? ? ?You have expressed the remarkable ability in this incident.(這件事情上你表現出了非凡的能力。)

09月28日:It was a night of broken sleep.那個夜晚睡得不踏實。

1.broken sleep斷斷續(xù)續(xù)的睡眠
例如:She said she had a broken sleep last night.(她說昨夜她睡得不熟,常常醒。)
? ? ? ? ? You will have to get used to broken sleep.(你還必須習慣于零碎的睡眠。)

09月29日:We benefited greatly by this lecture.這場講座讓我們受益匪淺。

t:v. 有益于,對…有好處,得益
例如:I benefited much from my association with him.(我跟他的交往中獲益匪淺。)
? ? ? ? ? In fact, some components of the venom may benefit human health.(事實上,毒液的某些成分可能有益于人類健康。)

09月30日I hope that they are all right.我希望他們都平安無事。

例如:All right, have it your own way.(好吧,就按你自己的意思辦吧。)
? ? ? ? ? The boys are all right.(孩子們都很安全。)
