"Sherlock" creator Steven Moffat has dropped three keywords of the upcoming season 3. "So. The three tease words for the next run of Sherlock ... Rat. Wedding. Bow," he tweeted on Friday, August 24 after promising to share the clues the day before.

He previously noted that last season's keywords were "Woman, Hound, Fall," which were all key elements in three episodes of season 2. Thus, the newly-unveiled clues could mean that the new episodes will use the stories of "The Giant Rat of Sumatra", "The Noble Bachelor" and "His Last Bow".

"His Last Bow" is the final installment of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "Sherlock Holmes" series, hinting that the upcoming season would be the last for the Emmy-nominated crime drama show.

Meanwhile, at the Edinburgh TV festival, actor Andrew Scott who plays Sherlock's nemesis Moriarty confirmed that "Moriarty is dead." Moffat, co-creator/the Mycroft Holmes depicter Mark Gatiss as well as producer Sue Vertue also attended the event, while lead star Benedict Cumberbatch had to skip the panel.


熱門英劇《神探夏洛克》的制片人Steven Moffat近日在推特上透露了該劇第三季的三個關鍵詞:Rat, Wedding, Bow。考慮到第二季的情況,這三個單詞可能意味著第三季將用到三個柯南·道爾小說中的案子:《蘇門答臘碩鼠》(The Giant Rat of Sumatra),《單身貴族》(The Noble Bachelor)和《最后的致意》(His Last Bow)。由于《最后致意》是柯南·道爾作品中的福爾摩斯的最后一案,所以有猜測認為第三季將是《神探夏洛克》的完結篇。