
這首《Gold》收錄在Owl City8月發(fā)行的新專輯《The Midsummer Station》中,炎熱的仲夏就是需要這種清涼小電。他的嗓音一處,我就感受到了陽光斑斕的灑在藍色的大海中央,清澈深情的唱腔以及清新電子的絢爛都是一種不可多得的愜意,你感受到了嗎?

從Maybe I’m Dreaming一路走來,越來越多的粉絲見證了Adam Young的成長與所獲得的榮譽。從人口僅為22,000的明尼蘇達小城走出來的Adam Young,用歌聲傳達了一種異常簡單快樂的情緒,但正是這樣的小情緒卻牢牢抓住了聽眾的耳朵和心靈,成為當今紛繁樂壇的一股清新潮流。


Standing open take a bow
There is something there and it’s showing
There is no need to look around you are the best we got going

Shout out to the dreams you chase
Shout out to the heart you break
Nothing is gonna stop you know
I guess you better be going

Before keep it in here inside my heart you hear
Is not the time to shine cause what you have got is...

Oh I know you’re gold
Oh I know I know
I don’t even need stars in the night
I have found my treasure
All I need is you by my side
So shine forever

Oh I know you’re gold
Oh I know I know

It won’t take long to get when you feel like ..
So ride it on don’t forget you got to tell us your story
Shout out to the friends back home
Shout out to the hearts you have known
You gave them nothing but the best
You can tell them your story
You never be far
I'm keeping you near
Inside of my heart you are here
Is not the time to shine cause what you have got is

Oh I know you’re gold
Oh I know I know
I don’t even need stars in the night
I have found my treasure
All I need is you by my side
So shine forever
Oh I know you’re gold
Oh I know I know

Cause what you have got is
Oh I know you’re gold
Oh I know I know
I don’t even need stars in the night
I have found my treasure
All I need is you by my side
So shine forever
Oh I know you’re gold
Oh I know I know